Search results

  1. S

    [game} Rename the person above you

    themasterrocker => boblovesyou
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    Game : Rank The Person Above>>>

    i rank you to: Bell Boy.
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    [Game] Make Up A Definition

    Noun. a person in which no one knows anything about. Thijs.
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    Word Assoation Game

    House -> meth lab...?
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    Whats in the zoo?

    Scary people are in the zoo :D
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    [Game] In my back garden

    n my back garden there is a weed, a server, a fallen star, my mate Ryan, a top secret spy station, a goat named Billy, a lawn mower and a bed of roses, a nest of killer bees, poison and 3947 rats and a partridge in a pear tree, and a hide out for Serial Killers, a statue, a shovel, a rake, a...
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    Forum Game <Story>

    Once upon a time there was a mystical land where dragons flourished and Naruto fans could do all the weird jitsu that they like. They could also go on any mission they wanted. One mission that they went on was to steal a secret document from the enemy. This enemy was a rogue nation hell bent on...
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    Forum Game <Wish>

    (your proof poofed) Wish granted (unfortunately) but you will be suspended again in the future xD i wish people down back would stop clear cutting the trails >/
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    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    oops x.x i ban you angry shocky monkey from one of the Fomay episodes told me to.