Search results

  1. W

    How do I upload from free hosting to paid without having to move files?

    How do I upload from free hosting to paid without having to move files? Trying to avoid a shutdown from resource usage and would like to improve the feature that I like on free hosting. Can someone please advise me how to do this? I couldn't figure it out on the site / account panel. I tried...
  2. W

    suspended for resource usage

    Is there any way to check and make sure I know what it is? I have disabled a number of plugins that seemed to overlap, and disabled the plugin that you suggested. It would at least be great to know which site caused the problem. Thanks ahead of time.
  3. W

    suspended for resource usage

    My account was suspended this morning for resource usage. i would like to know what process / script caused this so I can disable it. The other option is that I am willing to upgrade my service to make sure this doesn't happen again. Edit: it hosts two wordpress blogs - and...