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  1. lylex10h

    After cancelling an account...

    Corrected you are. I checked my email and as you can I see I have 2 Account Created emails.
  2. lylex10h

    After cancelling an account...

    Based on the information here I would say Yes but you will have to wait 24 hours after cancelling.
  3. lylex10h

    Can I delete this file?

    In my File Manager in .cagefs/tmp there is a file named phpvMQNwf that is 300+ MB and growing by the day. I only have 500 MB of space available. Can I safely delete this file to free up space? I downloaded the file to see if it was some type of log file but it is a binary file. The Linux file...
  4. lylex10h

    Some photos do not appear on my website

    Remember that Linux is case sensitive; Windows is not. The servers provided are Linux based.
  5. lylex10h

    Some photos do not appear on my website

    What is the website address of the photos that do not appear?
  6. lylex10h

    Unable to access my site??

    create a file with the following code: <?php $link = @mysqli_connect('host', 'user', 'secret'); if(!$link) { die('failed to connect to the server: ' . mysqli_connect_error()); } if(!@mysqli_select_db($link, 'dbname')) { die('failed to connect to the database: ' . mysqli_error($link))...
  7. lylex10h

    Can i request for More Disk space please :)

    There is a file in my file system in .cagefs/tmp named phpXgEUgT that is about 310 MB (3/5 of my disk space). Can I just delete and recreate this file?