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  1. N

    Website creation

    I use good old fassioned notepad and ie8 works great and now i got 3 domains and 3 different sites.
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    Welcome, shaedrew, to this place of discussion also known as the x10hosting forums.
  3. N

    [Game] In my back garden

    In my back garden there is a weed, a server, a fallen star, my mate Ryan, a top secret spy station, a goat named Billy, a lawn mower and a bed of roses, a nest of killer bees, poison and 3947 rats and a partridge in a pear tree, and a hide out for Serial Killers, a statue, a shovel, a rake, a...
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    New VPS Service!

    Hmmm, I thought they would be slighty better, 10people are using that machine, each with their own OS's and everything else. I must say WELL DONE. admittedly without GUI to worry about but to keep 11OS's going 24/7 and with some pretty high specs on available plans, (i can't wait to upgrade...
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    New VPS Service!

    10people, on Vox, jesus, no wonder even with huge memory leaks my site still keeps going, (fixed now) what are vox's specs?
  6. N

    Speedtest Information

    I can't actually post a reliable speed tesst to this:( my ISP is being such a stupid *** that our network is delieberately LIMITED during peak times. i get 4mb at night but only 1/1.5 during the day. this is not just laggy we got a lettter saying they were going to do it. can't wait till i switch
  7. N

    new applications for web

    Well, you could consider making a flash arcarde but there are a few of those about, or there is a youtube feature (ie rating etc) or a blog about something interesting
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    game: kill the above user

    i kill smith6612 with the hammer in his signature
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    Forum game <King of the hill>

    I use an x-wing to blow thee deathstar up nd claim the hill using the force
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    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban souradipm cause he banned the guy before him
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    Private Server?

    just remember things like WoW private servers are illegal and against ToS.
  12. N

    WoW Server Needs a Host

    how the hell do you evn get the game to connect to them? short of breaking the game code which is again illegal
  13. N

    New VPS Service!

    how mny people ar on vox? ps (sorry bout the momory usseage i think i hvae sorted the leaks out now)
  14. N

    [Ubuntu] Lighttpd

    For those not on ubunto much of this tutorial will still apply because apt-get will also (normaly) download everything else (dependancies) needed. For those who cannot get apt-get to work, you might be on a slightly different type of shell, use yum instead of apt-get and it should work
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    Table does not exists

    If this is the only time that useraccoun is used, you can log into your cpanel, scroll down to go to MySQL databses and at the bottom of the page is user accounts management. I'm unsure of how to change passwords but you might consider making a new accouht in here and assiging it to your DB
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    New VPS Service!

    there are a variety of different sizes available, clicking on the link in page one will let you see the limitations of each available VPS and also their respective prices
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    Account Manager help?

    There is, log in to hyper vm go to lxadmin go to desktop click home on the top navigation bar go to mail accounts there is a quick add mail account to add an email account to any domain
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    A working SMTP pinger for x10hosting servers

    BugFix didnt realise but the absolut checker was broken because i had a bad link, this has been fixed now For thos eof you that are using the site ( all requests are logged for bug fixing purposes) coud you please write about anhy featues you wish to see implemented? trying to make this...
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    need You Tube video sharing Php Scripts not youtube clone

    That was much clearer in that explanination than your first, as for a script to do it, i'm not aware of any that are already available, it shouldnt be too hard to find if there is.
  20. N

    I can't see my phpbb forum

    which version of phpbb are you on 2/3? iv heard a couple of people on phpbb3 having trouble becaue of php version