Welcome to x10 Eruadan! The stability and speeds of the servers are typically very good. Lately the servers have been a bit iffy, but that is of course because of a bunch of things Corey is trying out and changing on the servers.
Welcome to x10 jbyna314! E-mail lately hasn't been the most instant of things to rely upon. It has to go through spam checkers everywhere, and it has to of course, sit in a queue to be sent. Just give it no more than a day and it should be in either your Inbox or your spam folder.
Those SWFs in the arcade are typically no bigger than 200KB. There may be a few which are larger, but I don't think it's anything to worry about, really.
It would be cool to see some SVN servers running on x10Hosting. I could use it for a few things. I already have TortoiseSVN installed as part of the Beta testing I do, as well as for addons to Garry's Mod.
Have them run MalwareBytes just to make sure there's nothing in their PC. You never know if Trend Micro missed something (and yes I've heard of them), but the last I checked they weren't the highest on the list in terms of detections.
The server does this on a daily basis as of a couple of weeks ago. FTP will slow down, SMTP and POP3 will fail, PHP fails, cPanel refuses to load, and HTTP slows down. Does this during the afternoon and then is just fine during the night.
Here's the WHOIS and nameserver lookup information.
ARIN lookup
Really, I wouldn't doubt that the site would possibly be rigged. Look where's it's hosted at :D
My Anti-virus nor any security measures I have along the way are complaining about a thing here. Could you ask your friends what anti-virus programs they use?
It's been going on and doing this on a daily basis for the past few weeks. As per when it's getting fixed, I'd have no clue. All I know is, I have to back up my website at night around 11PM or else my backups get corrupted or are incomplete.
Lotus seems to have issues from the morning to the afternoon hours here with showing error 500 messages when you use PHP. It's annoying but it's sure to come back again in the evening.
Not yet. I'm planning to pick it up soon :) As of right now the DICE/EA website for Battlefield 1943 doesn't show the PC version, but I do know it should be out on PC from other Internet sources.
Welcome to x10 rebeck10! There have been some issues going on lately with the suspension system and people getting suspended, but try to visit the site more frequently. It'll help keep the suspensions away.