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  1. M

    Python import problem.

    Note that you don't need to move the "import" to the function (since you're using the "import module" form, not "from module import names". Class names should be capitalized according to the CapWords convention. Initializing the ircHandle instance variable should be done in the __init__...
  2. M

    Firefox to IE Help

    Opera users often spoof, but that's a good thing in this case because without doing so, they won't see a well-styled site. Well, the script is making more work for yourself and the server. And you still need style sheets for every browser. At the very least, include a default styling for...
  3. M

    Python import problem.

    What's the actual code that's generating the error? What's the module directory structure? Do you have circular imports?
  4. M

    Firefox to IE Help

    Browser sniffing is The Wrong Thing. Write a set of generic style sheets. For IE fixes, use conditional comments. For others (which is very, very rare), first see if there's a vendor specific property name corresponding to the general name (e.g. -moz-margin-top). Only if all of that fails should...
  5. M

    Firefox to IE Help

    In /sources/css/moz/common.css, you set margin-top for #nav to -84px, but in /sources/css/ie/common.css you have an extra margin-top set to 2px. Also, the top property is more appropriate than margin-top. By the way, you might want to rethink your cross-browser style strategy. For one...
  6. M


    Those are the latin-1 glyphs for the UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM, not DOM). Check the source in a hex editor and you'll see it: "\xEF\xBB\xBF" at the start (plus an extraneous space). It's used to specify the endianness used in the file. Notepad++ should have a "UTF8 without BOM" menu item (not...
  7. M

    Pythong Path in x10hosting free hosting

    I'm not sure where you get off questioning the honesty of X10. There are many threads about using Python on X10. If you had searched, you would have found the tutorial, which answers all your questions, including how to run python scripts outside of cgi-bin.
  8. M

    Wrong MySQL DB count in cPanel

    Rather like lithaerien (and maybe LuciFerAngel and zapzack), cPanel is misreporting the number of databases I'm using. On the MySQL Databases page, the Current Databases section is correct at two databases. However, the Create New Database section has the notice: "ATTENTION: Using 4 out of 3...
  9. M

    command prompt ftp

    Outgoing to port 21 and incoming from port 20. If the client is behind a NAT, you'd also need to work out some form of port forwarding. @cyberneticsoldier: does it work if Comodo firewall is disabled?
  10. M

    Error 500 when trying to load home page

    Well, that doesn't look right. Should be something like: RewriteRule . /index.order # where does this go: de ? </IfModule> # END WordPress See the RewriteRule documentation for the full syntax. The first set of lines marked as being for Wordpress also looks like duplicates of the second...
  11. M

    Javascript Help

    It's probably the <html> element. IE does weird stuff with it. Try adding:'hidden';
  12. M

    My PHP Version

    phpinfo is disabled, but other functions can provide some of the same information (e.g. phpversion()).
  13. M

    Python scripts and numpy

    Without seeing a minimal test case and error messages, no. Also, don't guess what the cause might be.
  14. M

    Recreating old versions of documents using stored diffs

    The way to do it from the command line is `patch`, so perhaps python-patch is the way to do it in python.
  15. M

    Battle of the Browsers

    Firefox also supports E4X. Too bad it's only useful in Greasemonkey scripts and FF targeted web apps, since other browsers don't support it.
  16. M

    frustrating problem with php and javascript

    Why? You're not adding anything to the discussion. Take a closer look at the terms of service: you don't need to post fortnightly, just log on to the forum.
  17. M

    command prompt ftp

    Read "Active FTP vs. Passive FTP, a Definitive Explanation" to understand what's going on.
  18. M

    PHP and ASP.NET Server Scripts

    The X10 servers run Linux rather than Windows and Apache rather than IIS. They run Mono to support ASP.Net 2.0; 3.5 isn't supported. Moreover, some assemblies supported under IIS aren't under Mono. For these reasons, PHP might be the better choice. If you want help fixing the scripts, post a...
  19. M

    frustrating problem with php and javascript

    One thing to look into is Comet. You could layer a chat app onto it and it can provide a way of telling whether someone is online or offline, though the different Comet techniques have their own impact on resource usage.
  20. M

    frustrating problem with php and javascript

    What does knowing that a friend is online get someone? What can they do with that knowledge? Can they interact with the friend in any way?