Search results

  1. TechAsh

    Unclickable links

    I don't know much javascript but it could be something to do with this script, that's in the head of your page. Edit - I'm sure that something is wrong with that script because if I disable Javascript in my browser the links work. Try removing this bit: If that doesn't work remove the whole...
  2. TechAsh

    Expaning my Horizon

    Welcome to X10Hosting. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  3. TechAsh

    hope i'm welcome here

    Welcome to X10Hosting. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  4. TechAsh

    Speed Up Firefox. Really Works!

    I haven't noticed any increase in speed after following this tutorial. In fact if anything total page load times have increased; now, for some reason, images can take a long time to load. I read somewhere that not all servers like pipelined requests, and that it can slow things down in some...
  5. TechAsh

    AMD or INTEL for a new purchase ?

    I've always used AMD's, I'm not really sure why. I've never had any problems with AMD so I don't see the point in changing. This may not be the case anymore but AMDs used to be more efficient than Intel processors. Looking at some comparisons between Intel's and AMD's new quad-core processors...
  6. TechAsh

    Best Antivirus,Best Spyware,Best FireWall:

    I've got both ZoneAlarm and McAfee, both are the paid versions (I got a free 3 year subscription to McAfee with my laptop.). Zonealarm is used on our two desktops, while McAfee is installed on my laptop. We also have a very good hardware firewall in our router. Both have all the needed features...
  7. TechAsh

    Aspell help

    I want to use aspell on my wiki (I've got the FCKeditor extension), and I know aspell is installed in "/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/". But what I want to know is, what is the name of the program/executable is. I need to have the complete path for it to work, and I can't fin what it should be. Please...
  8. TechAsh

    Enable logs for my account please

    Can you enable logs for my account so AwStats will work. cPanel Username = techash Subdomain = Server = Absolut
  9. TechAsh

    Advanced PHP

    I have the Advanced PHP version on my account (techash) on Absolut. But I've just got this error: I'm sure that passthru() is supposed to be enable (It says so on the Account Panel) Has something changed? Or was there an error in upgrading my account. I need this feature for my Wiki...
  10. TechAsh

    PHP upgrade request not answered.

    I requested a PHP upgrade a couple of days ago (Can't remember exactly how long), and I haven't received a reply. It says that you will get a reply within 24 hours. Username = techash Server = absolut EDIT - I've just received it, and my request was accepted.
  11. TechAsh

    Error: REMOTE_ADDR not set, PHP Backup Script

    I'm having problems with a PHP backup script I use. It is run daily via a cron job, and it's job is to create a gzip backup of my databases, then save it on the server and also e-mail me a copy. The error I'm getting is: Here is the contents of 'phpmysqlautobackup_extras.php': <?php...
  12. TechAsh

    Cron Not Running

    My cron jobs don't seem to be being run. 0 4 * * * cd /home/techash/backups/mysql ; php -q run_familywebsite.php 0 4 * * * cd /home/techash/backups/mysql ; php -q run_earthtime.php These scripts are suposed to create a backups of my databases then e-mail it to me. But the last time they ran...
  13. TechAsh

    Cron error

    I get this error in the Cron section of cPanel on absolut /usr/bin/crontab permissions are wrong. Please set to 4755 I know your are very busy at the moment, I don't mind waiting a couple of days.
  14. TechAsh


    Hi, just thought I'd say hello. I came to X10 because i got so fed up with ZendURL, they took over a month to add a hard drive. In fact they only good thing was the Forum (When it was working). So far I haven't really had any problems with X10. I will try and help out whenever I can.