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  1. tpvsmart

    access to control panel

    thank you for answering very fast !! the problem is about accessing to the control panel, i have no idea what is the corrects address to come in. I mean, i know the right password and username info, but where is the control panel to access ?? another problem relates may be is because i hace...
  2. tpvsmart

    access to control panel

    i have lost my information data to access into tpvsmart hosting panel... can you re-send me this information please? thank you very much.
  3. tpvsmart

    suspended account because not forum access

    hello, i'm from spain (sorry about my english) I have a hosting account with you ( and it was suspended because I dont access to the forum, now I have access very times to reactivate my account but nothing happen... I think the problem may be that I change the main domain name...
  4. tpvsmart

    account suspended

    yes, i have bought from their web page. i have downloaded it and when I try to upload it, my control panel was blocked, suspended what happen ?
  5. tpvsmart

    account suspended

    hello, i try to upload a formum system but some file caused my account suspend. The system that i'm trying tu upload is IP.Board. Thank You