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  1. IonCannon218

    [game} Rename the person above you

    allinone ---> notallinone
  2. IonCannon218


    no! would you take a million dollars to blow up something with a nuke?
  3. IonCannon218

    Game : Rank The Person Above>>>

    allinone ---> are not One
  4. IonCannon218

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban everyone for bickering about the ROFL copter.
  5. IonCannon218

    Count to 1 Million

    79 "wtf?"
  6. IonCannon218

    A ball.

    lol a ball
  7. IonCannon218

    Smart Cars

    hell yeah i prefer a fuel efficient car
  8. IonCannon218

    Spam Wars!!!!!!!

    I'll NEVER tell anyone where's my base is! No one will NEVER find it! It's not even on Earth!
  9. IonCannon218

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban zapperpost for banning alexandgruntz
  10. IonCannon218

    Spam Wars!!!!!!!

    *prepares to invade Sweden* THEN THE WORLD!!!!
  11. IonCannon218

    Smart Cars

    i dont want a small car i want a medium car lol you're more likely to survive in a crash if you have a bigger vehicle
  12. IonCannon218

    what OS

    I agree too, I use Ubuntu too and it's good for basics
  13. IonCannon218

    Spam Wars!!!!!!!

    THE FORUMS RULES APPLY IN HERE! IT'S WAR AGAINST OTHER MEMBERS!!! Rules: You can do whatever you want to other people. Alliances/teams are allowed. God(s) are not allowed. I'll start by building my own base underground and start stocking up on ammo.
  14. IonCannon218

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    I have a 2 week vacation for Christmas
  15. IonCannon218

    Smart Cars

    no idea