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  1. xav0989

    Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

    BTW, lor0126, witting help with multiple e and l will not make us work faster to find an solution for you.
  2. xav0989

    Want to be part of the x10 Team?

    Indeed, and they seem to grow in pretty good numbers these days!
  3. xav0989

    Javascript help

    could you provide a link to your page...
  4. xav0989

    Display image in MYSQL

    Man with all the problems that this script has gotten into, I think it would be best to start from sratch again, and follow a tutorial on saving images in MySQL. This one, posted by misson I believe is really good.
  5. xav0989

    Site Still Down

    Could you provide more information such as the server you used to be on, if your site used to work etc. Also, have you added and as DNS servers?
  6. xav0989

    Display image in MYSQL

    Now it justs echo's the file name... Could you post the content of the get_image.php script here again? I made a few changes to my script: <?php //get_image.php // you need to sanitize it yourself $image_id = $_GET['image']; $TableName = "automobileparts"; $SQLstring = "SELECT * FROM...
  7. xav0989

    PHP Code returns blank page...

    I just went over the announcements (this should be the first thing every member does when accessing the forum), and Corey clearly states that Lotus is supposed to be completely transferred. and...
  8. xav0989

    Being a trusted publisher

    Tried both of your apps, and had a lot of fun by myself with them. However, I cannot leave any comment, since there is no website... I can help you create a phpbb3 based community (will work better than an based website). Oh, one bug with the sudoku program, when I click on the database...
  9. xav0989


    I believe that you can buy reseller packages with big webhosts and offer webhosting with them through you. When you get enough money, you buy your own server and maintain them.
  10. xav0989

    Is Safari better then all other browsers?

    As it has been said, the best part about firefox is the addons. Every single new interesting feature in a browser will probably be replicated by the FF community in a record time. I used to have tons of addons, and I actually used a handful of those. I was then complaining about the load time...
  11. xav0989

    Which IDE do you use?

    I switch between Eclipse and SciTE. When I started PHP, I used to only use SciTE: I had to know the language, and it forced me to learn it, fast. However, when I wanted to learn java, I downloaded Eclipse (NetBeans was too slow). When I saw there were some plugins to develop php in Eclipse, I...
  12. xav0989

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

    (((((((1 + 0.1 + (3.5 * 2)) * 5) + ((9 * 9) + 1 + 9 - 1)) / 2) * 3) - 24.75) * 15) / 3
  13. xav0989

    Update Entire SQL Table

    You are very welcomed
  14. xav0989

    mysql_query(select) result improperly empty

    Somebody used to have a problem like that with the other transfer. It was to X10 v4 I believe... What happened was that their cPanel used a cached copy of the server and the php scripts another cached copy from another time.
  15. xav0989

    Display image in MYSQL

    I should start doing it, as well. Oh BTW, mission, can I quote your signature? I find it very to the point nowadays...
  16. xav0989

    Update Entire SQL Table

    I see the error, the 'record' get variable isn't passed down. Here is an updated version of the last lines <h1>Update Debt</h1> <form action="?rid=<?php echo $record; ?>" method="post"> Date: <input type="text" name="date" value="<?php echo $row['date']; ?>" /> <br /> Amount: <input type="text"...
  17. xav0989

    SQL Database Optimization

    What I like about the internet is that you always learn something. Just now, I've learned that something that I thought was true for a long time. I won't sleep as dumb tonight! (no sarcasm)
  18. xav0989

    Display image in MYSQL

    Oops, my bad... should have read over my code... :biggrin:
  19. xav0989

    PHP Code returns blank page...

    Well, in mattjs92 case, it was because of poorly built code. Since you are on lotus, this could be due to the server moves... However, since lotus is supposed to be fully transferred, you should and are entitled to posting a support ticket.
  20. xav0989

    Update Entire SQL Table

    Here is a working version, with some comments: Always sanitize data from the user (with mysql_real_escape_string() ) Try separating your code and your content, always -> MVC You need to wrap a form with the <form> tag for it to work Be consistent with your indenting style <?php...