Search results

  1. Smith6612

    Anybody here play Crysis? The best game ever!

    I could help set one up though, but don't expect to see me in Warhead very much at all as I'm having issues with the game and it's optimization, that plus I don't have PunkBuster installed. And the Q6600, check to see if you can multithread the server program. It'll help a bit especially with...
  2. Smith6612

    Anybody here play Crysis? The best game ever!

    I'll be joining it shortly as soon as I get off of my laptop. Don't worry :). EDIT: I saw your edit. Yes, Crysis has multiplayer problems. The servers seem choaked and even when I have 22ms ping, I'll get lag spikes from MP games. Also, I blocked PunkBuster installs on my PC, so that narrows...
  3. Smith6612

    Anybody here play Crysis? The best game ever!

    I have Crysis and love it! 3xGTX280s in SLi = pwnage at full settings :). I'm sad that Crytek canned the rest of the patches for the game though.
  4. Smith6612

    Fuego Nation - Express your Passion

    This site's design seems interesting. I'm not a big fan of social networking sites, but this is worth a look regardless.
  5. Smith6612

    Community has changed

    Welcome back! The community here is a very nice community, so I'd try coming back again and seeing how things work out again. I'm a nice person, so no need to fear me :)
  6. Smith6612

    iTrader Added

    Hmm, I'll have to check this out!
  7. Smith6612

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban smmalis37 for no reason :D
  8. Smith6612


  9. Smith6612

    what do you think of the new design of the forum?

    I like it, as it looks good and the colors stand out. The other theme looked good too, but hey I can't really complain. So yeah, I like it.
  10. Smith6612


    Welcome to x10 lukie
  11. Smith6612

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    That sounds more like a personal preference than something that is correct :P
  12. Smith6612


    Welcome to x10 TofuBoy!
  13. Smith6612

    Guess Who Posts Next

    False! I guess someone with a computer ;)
  14. Smith6612

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban ichwar for forming a ban chain because of a cause started by me.
  15. Smith6612

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    It is in a few ways I think. I know for a fact that in the US we spell Color, "Color", where as in English, they spell it "Colour". That's basically the extent of what I know, but yet again I may be wrong on that front as well.
  16. Smith6612

    What is your Zombie Plan?

    Does it by any chance cause some divide by Zeros to take place? :biggrin:
  17. Smith6612

    Hi, everyone! :D

    Welcome to x10 nuria! You're English is pretty good so you shouldn't have to worry about anything.
  18. Smith6612

    Users stealing credits..

    That has been talked about in the forums before, and earlier today on the IRC as well. I guess it's there to make people feel good and welcomed to the community.
  19. Smith6612

    10K Credit Benchmark!

    You must be visiting the marketplace or something. I myself when I first registered was very active and got basically all of my credits through posts. I got 1,000 credits from I think Russ for finding a disk space issue with Absolut, and I got some credits randomly from users who must've liked...
  20. Smith6612

    Users stealing credits..

    Sounds like the same incident that happened a few months ago. People are seeming more and more cheap these days.