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  1. LHVWB

    Not letting me back up

    Both backup methods are working perfectly for me, there may be an issue with your cpanel account, try posting in the free hosting support area.
  2. LHVWB

    Links, pics, and flash not working

    One of the Admin is currently working on fixing the close thread option, for now I will close this thread. * Closed by Request *
  3. LHVWB

    How do I name my web page

    If you open up the code view of dreamweaver then you can find some code like this "<title>Untitled Document</title>", replace the text within the <title> tags with the title that you want your pages to have, you will have to do this for each page. In dreamweaver there should also be a field...
  4. LHVWB


    Welcome to x10hosting KRB99, if you have any issues or problems then don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! :biggrin:
  5. LHVWB

    Review My GAME!!!

    Okay here are my comments/suggestions. After you register an account you should be redirected to the login page with the message saying "Your account has been created", instead of showing the register page again, preferably you should automatically log the person in after they have registered...
  6. LHVWB

    Links, pics, and flash not working

    Where have you uploaded the images and .swf files in relation to the webpages? Are your images in a folder called 'Web Design' within the public_html folder? Because thats where your page says they should be.
  7. LHVWB

    Else case?

    Whats wrong with including the file? Is it having any problems?
  8. LHVWB

    what is making you feel good today

    Same, except that I don't have exams for a few weeks, only huge projects and tests at the moment. :happysad: My exams finish in 3 weeks though, so not long to hold out! ;)
  9. LHVWB

    hi every one

    If you want many members from the community to review your site/game then ask in the "Review my site" forum. Welcome to x10hosting mutaz, if you have any issues or problems then don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! :biggrin:
  10. LHVWB


    Welcome to x10hosting HalKon, if you have any issues or problems then don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! :biggrin:
  11. LHVWB

    smf subs edit lines?

    You can also turn off hostname lookups in the admin area, under Features and Options -> Layout and Options -> Disable hostname lookups? Check that checkbox. You should stop getting errors without making any changes.
  12. LHVWB

    PHP Help!

    Its really odd that it didn't work for you, because I got it to work. Anyway, I'll close this thread, if you have any more questions then please start another thread. * Closed *
  13. LHVWB

    Good evening fellow website guys!

    Well, hello from Ascot Vale over in the Western Suburbs! ;) Hopefully you will enjoy the service! :)
  14. LHVWB

    Good evening fellow website guys!

    Welcome to x10hosting nooshd, if you have any issues or problems then don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! :biggrin:
  15. LHVWB

    how do I get x10hosting to delete my file?

    From what I can see you no longer have a cpanel account attached to your forum account, this probably means that your account has been deleted. If you want somebody with the permissions to check that it has worked correctly then please post in the free hosting forum, if you do that then you...
  16. LHVWB

    PHP Help!

    The order that you store the email adresses in shouldn't make any difference because you are searching for '@' signs, It should work even if you have them all together in one link or all one separate lines. Are you still having problems?
  17. LHVWB

    Hi x10

    I am afraid that I can't fix that problem because I am only a moderator so I don't have access to the backend system, I am sure that an account manager or above will notice the thread sortly, they are usually very quick. It appears that the server isn't currently working so you will have to...
  18. LHVWB

    page login help

    How are you checking to see if they are a valid user? The easiet and most effective way is to use a server cookie. Then you can check to see if they are a valid user on each page that you want protected by using the cookie, a tutorial discussing this can be found below...
  19. LHVWB

    Hi x10

    Welcome to x10hosting FlyingPikachu, if you have any issues or problems then don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! :biggrin: