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  1. mreccentric

    Account Suspended

    My account has been suspended due to inactivity. I've been logging into this forum, yet this has happened. I'm afraid about my files. Will they be there/ gone? I don't have a backup. I'm getting the message "Unsuspension requested. Thank you for your patience." from a long time. Please help me...
  2. mreccentric

    552 Disk full - please upload later, I still have 900mb left what do I do?

    I've used just few MBs of disk usage, but it shows i've used 340MBs. Why this error? I'm also on chopin server
  3. mreccentric

    How to Edit?

    Can any mods help about this?
  4. mreccentric

    Disk Space Usage

    I had earlier stored some data on my domain. During that time, the Disk Usage Capacity was infinity. But now, the capacity has been reduced to 512MB. So the data i had uploaded were above the Disk Space Usage. As a reason i deleted all those data yesterday. The problem is: The cpanel still...
  5. mreccentric

    How to Edit?

    How to edit an old post in an old thread? Sometimes, the thread will be closed. But we may need to edit one or more post to maintain privacy. How can we do that? If this is not possible, i request the admin to provide a provision like 'delete' thread. Thanks in Advance.
  6. mreccentric

    How many days Inactive?

    How can i know the number of days i've been inactive in X10Hosting? I mean, it's required to login once in a month for your website to be active, how can i know my previous login date?
  7. mreccentric

    Using ilezilla

    How to use Filezilla to upload files from system to x10hosting. I'm new to FTP, can anyone tell me how to use filezilla with x10hosting(to upload folders and files from HDD). Anything with screenshot will be appreciated.
  8. mreccentric

    Suggestions Uploading Files

    Anyone with some suggestion for easier uploading files? I have trouble uploading files in multiple folders, each time i need to create a new folder on cpanel and upload each and every file singly. That takes some more time. Is there any way i can upload folder and sub folders?
  9. mreccentric

    Doubts iN cPANLE

    Well, when can/should i use that facility? Whats the use of it? And how can anyone 'write(change)' the document(file) if i assure the facility to all(GUESTS). Since, i'm a newbie about webdeveloping, can u say whats 644 and 755? FTP What sort of datas will it store? Any example? And i...
  10. mreccentric

    Doubts iN cPANLE

    hi, i had some doubts about some of the features in cpanel. I thought i could get answer to it here. I CAN SEE 'Change Permission' in the Filemanager. It provides some options saying that user can edit the pages and so on... I need some clarification about the use of 'Change Permission'...
  11. mreccentric

    A records

  12. mreccentric

    A records

    I added a A record and CNAME record, and not yet found any changes in activation of url. I found some other records under CNAME before i entered the one you said. my url is : *****. com
  13. mreccentric

    A records

    I'll try it out, and will be back Hi techairlines, I'm bit confused here, i entered Advance DNS Zone editor, in Cpanel. I found some addresses named A CNAME records. I guess they are meant to configure in registrant company, how is it here in X10HOSTING CPANEL?
  14. mreccentric

    A records

    I registered a domain of my own, i want A RECORD to configure my domain with x10hosting. What are the A RECORDS and how can i configure? I feel that its different from Name servers. Edit: Just to clarify, i cant use Name servers to configure my domain, since i use email service from them. So i...
  15. mreccentric

    How to know my nameservers?

    i joined free hosting plan of x10hosting, i can just login to my forum but i dont know my nameservers and area where i can manage my hosting account. I will be happy if someone helps me to solve this problem:dunno: