Search results

  1. LHVWB

    [c#] Connection to MySQL DB ?

    This issue seems to be resolved, if the author has any questions about this issue then they can reopen this thread. * Closed *
  2. LHVWB

    help!! coding advanced drop down menu

    This issue seems to be resolved, if the author has any questions about this issue then they can reopen this thread. Here are some links about creating drop down menus if you need them.
  3. LHVWB


    * Moved to Programming Help. There is a section in the cpanel under the 'Advanced' category which is called cron jobs, you can set them up there. Here are some guides on using crons.
  4. LHVWB

    PHP with .htaccess

    This issue seems to be resolved, if the author has any questions about this issue then they can reopen this thread. * Closed *
  5. LHVWB

    Paypal Script??

    This issue seems to be resolved, if the author has any more questions about this issue then feel free to reopen this thread. * Closed * - Verbsite
  6. LHVWB


    Hello Daniel and welcome to the x10 community, feel free to post any questions that you may have, we're here to help! :biggrin:
  7. LHVWB

    Paypal Script??

    I deleted your bump posts, because they are annoying. Okay, In response to your first post, if you have a script that isn't working then you could always post the code, and we could try to work out the problems. Otherwise you could try to find another script using google, or if you are using a...
  8. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban kkenny for comparing tacos to grilled cheese. ;)
  9. LHVWB

    Simple php script fails

    This issue has been solved (I received a message from the Lonesome61). If you have any more question then please start a new thread. * Closed *
  10. LHVWB

    Simple php script fails

    That code that you posted should work fine. Is the file that you are talking about a .php file, it must be otherwise the server will not execute this code. 404. error is more interesting, it means that the page was not found, check to see that the file is in the correct location. If none of...
  11. LHVWB

    what is your favourite shooter game ?

    Re: what is your shooter game ? Unreal Tournament. (Old I know, but I prefer RTS' anyway). ;)
  12. LHVWB

    Forum Game <Film>

    Young Love (Not that I've ever seen it.)
  13. LHVWB

    joomla menu problem

    Admin -> Forums -> Manage Forums All you need to do is click on the name of the category/forums/board that you want to add a forum/subforum to, phpbb3 will take you to another page which will show you a list of the forums/subforums which belong to the current category/forums/board, and you will...
  14. LHVWB

    Forum Game <Film>

    Life of Brian
  15. LHVWB

    Forum Game <Story>

    Once upon a time there was a piece of paper. There was also a
  16. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Smith6612 for picking up on my mistake. ;)
  17. LHVWB

    JavaScript problem

    You are limited by the ammount of space that you have, as well as the operating system which you have, although that really isn't a problem until you start using gigabytes of data. The limit for the number of rows in a table is ~4.2...
  18. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban alexandgruntz for using 'LOL' in his post. ;)
  19. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban all of you, because my new moderator powers have gone to my head. ;)
  20. LHVWB

    Please Rate my Forum

    A favicon is an icon which is presented in the browser, it will be shown on the tab in firefox and next to the url. I'm not so sure about where other browsers such as Ie show it but they make your site look better. Especially in firefox, because you don't have a whole lot of generic white page...