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  1. Smith6612

    Forum Fight

    zapperpost is killed for having broken images in his signature.
  2. Smith6612

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    I claim the hill since AJradio's Android crashed and self destructed.
  3. Smith6612

    100000 green bottles sitting on the wall

    99902 green bottles sitting on a wall. 99902 green bottles sitting on a wall. and if 1 plastic bottle was to accidently fall there will be 99901 sitting on a wall
  4. Smith6612

    I was banned because...

    I was banned for having the Disney Channel in my programming guide. How were you banned?
  5. Smith6612

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban bigtree for not using his signature image as his avatar.
  6. Smith6612

    Forum Game <Wish>

    Wish granted. However your hard drive was reformatted. I wish that I could have some x10Pizza :biggrin:
  7. Smith6612

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get a travel card that runs out of minutes easilly. I insert a tree.
  8. Smith6612

    game: kill the above user

    I kill Bigtree by making him watch the Disney Channel 24/7 for a week >:3
  9. Smith6612


    I could if I wanted to. There's always next quarter. Sorry to hear that, but if English is your native language, besides literature in there I don't get how people get 30% in that class. Even without studying, you should at least be able to manage a 70%...
  10. Smith6612

    Count to 1 Million

    571 Sappers on the sentry gun!
  11. Smith6612

    Guess Who Posts Next

    Yes! I guess zapperpost :D
  12. Smith6612

    Word Assoation Game

    Bond ► Covalant Bond
  13. Smith6612

    The Ctrl+V game Great video for mic spamming in Team Fortress 2 :D
  14. Smith6612

    Game : Rank The Person Above>>>

    jimtilmark ► Cookie Eater
  15. Smith6612

    Alternatives for XAMPP?

    You could try installing the software one by one. PHP and MySQL doesn't take too much time to configure if you set it up via the installer. Apache on Windows does take more time, but use IIS in Windows if possible. You can install that from your Windows CD/DVD.
  16. Smith6612

    mainboard suggestion

    You can actually find refurbs sitting around online. I've had to buy a refurbished motherboard for a computer I repaired over the summer for someone. They couldn't he happier to see that their computer is still good. They stopped making the motherboard for his Dell computer a while ago anyways...
  17. Smith6612

    Post your specs

    You have a GTX 260 but with no DirectX 10 support? Have you tried running a trial of Vista to see how it copes with XP at all with the new card?
  18. Smith6612

    Would you kill one to save thousands?

    This is quite a difficult thing to answer. As everyone else is stating, it app depends on who is doing the killing. Sure, if it was some random guy and you saved thousands, maybe millions of lives by killing him, I guess it could be assuring even though you'll probably be jailed for it.
  19. Smith6612

    LCD or Plasma TVs?

    I'm an LCD TC person. I've heard that the first generation plasma TVs were known to wear out after a few years. I don't know how they cope with today, but considering how sharp of a picture LCD screens typically have and the fact that a lot of people I know have LCD TVs, I'm voting for this...
  20. Smith6612

    Happy Childrens Day....

    I've hever heard of Children's Day, but Happy Children's Day!