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  1. Livewire

    unsuspend my hosting account :|

    You've already been informed this is a zero tolerance suspension. Closed.
  2. Livewire


    You're not the first to mention an issue here; there appears to be an issue if the folder is named "icons" for whatever reason. For now, rename the folder to something like iconz or iconss and update it in the code; I'm escalating this up so the higher-ups know there's an issue though as well.
  3. Livewire

    Request for account unsuspension

    You were permanently suspended by our CEO for a major violation of the TOS, and cannot be unsuspended.
  4. Livewire

    Unsuspend from corey

    You misread, it says do NOT unsuspend from Corey. This is a permanent suspension from our CEO. You will not be unsuspended, as he only suspends users if you're violating the TOS in accordance with the Zero Tolerance policy.
  5. Livewire


    I can see what it was quite likely tripping on; I'll escalate it to staff, but here's the issue: your DroidX was uploading to the server. My guess is you got tripped for something it uploaded that it had stored.
  6. Livewire

    account got suspended Please Help!

    Phishing sites are considered a critical violation of the TOS and subject to permanent suspension; if you're challenging that it isn't actually a phishing site, we can escalate to the higher staff and allow them to re-review the account however.
  7. Livewire

    my account has been suspended

    You were permanently suspended by our CEO for a violation of the TOS. Yours in particular was a proxy.
  8. Livewire


    No; proxies are a Zero Tolerance TOS violation which resulted in your permanent suspension.
  9. Livewire

    Suspension:My Chatbox

    Unsuspending as I type.
  10. Livewire

    my web site is not on line

    Loads fine here (<1s); try clearing your cache and see if it goes away.
  11. Livewire

    please unsuspend my account

    You used it for 17 minutes before it was permanently suspended under our Zero Tolerance policy for having a proxy on it. Edit: Oh and sure enough there it is, tutorial.php. Congrats, the suspension stays permanently.
  12. Livewire

    Request to restore account

    C;mon, 3 topics? You were told it's Zero Tolerance in the last 2. That's not going to change.
  13. Livewire

    Site Suspended

    Check your public_html directory; delete .htaccess, and rename .htaccess.suspend to .htaccess. That should fix the redirect. Edit: Hmm, just reread, scratch this idea until you can get into cpanel >_< Not quite sure what to do about the cpanel issue honestly; something's definitely not right...
  14. Livewire

    Account Suspension Due to proxy scripts

    Well unfortunately you agreed to the TOS and marked the box that said "I have read and agree to abide by the TOS" - by breaking it with a Proxy on account, it netted a permanent suspension.
  15. Livewire


    No, it'll be erased somewhere after 14 days. Fair warning, the minimum is 14 days - there is no guarantee -when- after 14 it will be erased; I saw one earlier that's been suspended for 27 days.
  16. Livewire


    If it's possibly by FTP I'd head to the regular x10hosting panel and change your login password; FAIR WARNING it will also update your x10hosting forum password and account password, if memory serves - it'll tell you what they all change :) I say update cpanel cause ftp's pass is same as cpanels.
  17. Livewire

    Resolve Suspension

    Fair enough; it's unsuspending as I type. Do try to figure out what's causing it if possible :)
  18. Livewire

    Resolve Suspension

    12 hits to the server a second for a shoutbox/chat script though? Normally shoutboxes/chatscripts aren't zero tolerance, but if you knew there was an issue why were you letting it hammer the server?
  19. Livewire

    Suspension:My Chatbox

    Doublechecked with staff; chatboxes aren't normally Zero Tolerance. If you agree to remove it, we can unsuspend the account and allow 24hr to remove the chatbox.
  20. Livewire


    That much I don't know; hit up google for "Joomla base64_Decode" for more - thats how I found out it was malicious and -not- part of a regular joomla install. I'm guessing they either brute-forced the password or exploited a loophole in either a plugin or the base joomla itself (if it was an...