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  1. Smith6612

    [game} Rename the person above you

    Mitch ► I'm Pyro!
  2. Smith6612

    Forum Game <Wish>

    Wish granted. I corrupt your wish though. I wish that this wish was uncorruptable.
  3. Smith6612

    Guess Who Posts Next

    Yes! I has Windows Vista! I'm guessing someone running Windows 95 (lol!).
  4. Smith6612

    game: kill the above user

    I kill alexandgruntz with Power_overwhelming cheat in Starcraft :D
  5. Smith6612

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban alexandgruntz for using a virtual PC.
  6. Smith6612

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get E-mail, Word Processing, and Internet Browsing. I insert Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit edition :D
  7. Smith6612


    I would, but it'd only allow me to use web browsing really. However since I play games daily it's going to be hard to get me on starter. Besides, I like Aero! For $1,000,000 would you get a 0% grade in all of your classes?
  8. Smith6612

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    I use Windows Vista Anytime upgrade using the internet tubes and get Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit. Using this, I download a copy of my gaming computer and reclaim the hill as alexandgruntz lags because I slowed down the internet.
  9. Smith6612

    Count to 1 Million

    346 cron jobs due to run every one (1) minute(s).
  10. Smith6612

    The Ctrl+V game

    Hey guys, I found this at another forum I visit. This video is a trailer of a new game mod that is or may be being developed for the CryEngine 2 demo using the Crysis game. For anyone interested, here's a high quality YouTube video for your enjoyment...
  11. Smith6612


    Of course, any phone can compete with the iPhone. There's nothing stopping people from doing so other than the copyright/patent system.
  12. Smith6612

    Battlestar Galactica coming to Crysis!

    Hey guys, I found this at another forum I visit. This video is a trailer of a new game mod that is or may be being developed for the CryEngine 2 demo using the Crysis game. For anyone interested, here's a high quality YouTube video for your enjoyment...
  13. Smith6612


    I would certainly shoot for the Halo series, Gears of War, Grand Theft Auto 4 and even The Orange Box.
  14. Smith6612

    What would you rather have

    For many people it does. How do you think the Nintendo Wii sold itself, same with the Xbox? Many people EXCEPT for hardcore gamers will vote on their money rather than their console/performance. I'm a person who votes on performance which is why I'm always upgrading my gaming PC with the latest...
  15. Smith6612


    LOL. Gotta love playing some Crysis while home from school. Since next weekend is a 3 day weekend, I'm going to be playing video games on Monday anyways. One of the games includes Crysis Warhead. About Crysis Warhead, the Enthusiast (the highest one) setting at full anti-aliasing under...
  16. Smith6612

    How To Project

    I could make videos or at least text based tutorials on how to fix stuff or build computers for your website or what not if you need it. It's not a problem and I can do this on my spare time.
  17. Smith6612

    I'm new here

    Welcome to x10 joepolask!
  18. Smith6612

    bloqueo de cuenta

    Welcome to x10 fjgalan!
  19. Smith6612


    Yes! Some days I seriously don't get out of bed, though those are my ill days where I'm not feeling too good of course.
  20. Smith6612

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    I shoot alexandgruntz with zapperpost and claim the hill.