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  1. Smith6612

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Grandcruiser because I feel like it!
  2. Smith6612

    Forum Game <Wish>

    Wish granted. I wished that you would get all of the fat I got from the food, multiplied by 5 and you die XD. I wish for more pizza.
  3. Smith6612

    Count to 1 Million

    176 page hits in 5 minutes.
  4. Smith6612

    Google's Browser Project, 'Chrome'

    One of the reasons for that is the fact that Firefox cannot utilize even two core CPUs all the way. :)
  5. Smith6612

    How fast is your internet?

    20Mbps and that is DSL, right? If it's DSL, you might be too far for 20Mbps from the exchange or your phone lines are crappy ;)
  6. Smith6612

    Hi from italy

    Welcome to x10 azzeccal!
  7. Smith6612

    please explain..

    No idea, but would it be for something such as allergies? I do know that when I get allergies because of ragweed during the spring/fall time, one of my nostrils will always plug completely up.
  8. Smith6612

    Count to 1 Million

    174 has several numbers that can be multiplied to equal this.
  9. Smith6612

    Word Assoation Game

  10. Smith6612

    Ancient or Not?

    That's old LOL. Probably back from Windows 98 or 95. Find any IE 2.0 disks there?
  11. Smith6612

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa I don't want to go back to school! I just started today and yeah while it was nice to see my friends again, it means I'm going to have to put up with homework now. :(
  12. Smith6612

    Word Assoation Game

  13. Smith6612

    Count to 1 Million

    172 drops of water fell on the puddle.
  14. Smith6612

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Mitch because you do get credits for posting in this forum.
  15. Smith6612

    [game} Rename the person above you

    Mitch ► n00blet
  16. Smith6612


    I would only if I get the other $20million dollars I'm promised. For $1,000,000 would you give me a penny?
  17. Smith6612

    Google's Browser Project, 'Chrome'

    Another user on my forum just reported the same issue, but they seem to think it's a Windows XP issue as someone there noticed that while their XP machine was affected, it was running fine on Windows Vista. Here's the topic if anyone is interested...
  18. Smith6612

    How fast is your internet?

    Thanks for the rep. Otherwise, once you get the speed upgrade, see how things improve. Also, if you notice the internet slowing down on your PCs (speed tests will show) when the VOD is fired up, Verizon is going to need to be called up anyways as the provisioning may be messed up. As for picture...
  19. Smith6612


    Basically XAMPP is just a program that is meant for web testing that is easy to install and use, unlike setting up everything including Apache by hand.
  20. Smith6612


    Yes, because this game costs me less than a cent to play. For $1,000,000 would you do the same?