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  1. Smith6612

    Count to 1 Million

    Same here about 162. Too bad in 162 days I'll probably be taking school exams.
  2. Smith6612

    Unable to uninstall IE8 in Vista

    The only time I ever Beta Test Microsoft stuff is when it's in RC3, and even then sometimes the beta may break, but many times an uninstall does work. Usually when they're in RC2 and below is when I find things break.
  3. Smith6612

    Age Range

    I'm in the 11-20 group.
  4. Smith6612

    HI there from Caracas, Venezuela.

    Welcome to x10 cobolsaurus!
  5. Smith6612

    Hi all

    Welcome to x10 NattyFido!
  6. Smith6612

    Count to 1 Million

    160 is a lucky number to some people.
  7. Smith6612

    I was banned because...

    I was banned because I spend more money a month on computer equipment than I do on other things besides food, etc. How were you banned?
  8. Smith6612

    Maplestory GR2D error

    Your driver for your video card will be listed under the dxdiag tool (can be started by Vista Start Menu Search or via Run...) under the Display tab This tab will tell you everything about your video card's hardware that Windows can see, along with what driver is loaded onto the system. That...
  9. Smith6612

    Unable to uninstall IE8 in Vista

    The uninstaller in IE8 is as buggy as heck. One tip you should follow: Never ever install Beta software from Microsoft, as it is very, very buggy. The completed version of the software is a big relief of the beta versions.
  10. Smith6612

    I was banned because...

    I was banned because I banned myself. How were you banned?
  11. Smith6612

    Game : Rank The Person Above>>>

    Mitch ► Another big Stargate fan.
  12. Smith6612

    [game} Rename the person above you

    Mitch ► I_GOTS_COOKIE
  13. Smith6612

    Word Assoation Game

  14. Smith6612

    simple forum game

    CHEESE! Doughnuts or Cereal?
  15. Smith6612

    Count to 1 Million

    157 dollars is the amount I have made this week already repairing computers.
  16. Smith6612

    Forum Game <Wish>

    Wish granted. You are robbed of the vault however by the bad guys from Batman. I wish for more monies and pizza.
  17. Smith6612

    game: kill the above user

    I kill Mitch by installing PunkBuster on his PC.
  18. Smith6612

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Mitch because he needs to get Team Fortress 2.
  19. Smith6612

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get lots of explosions. I insert the $130 I made today repairing computers.
  20. Smith6612


    Probably not, but if I am guaranteed the money, I'll probably buy a dedicated server for that.