Search results

  1. descalzo

    HELLO to everybody. Could I get a little help with hosting advices?

    Sometimes the servers get a bit backed up, so new accounts can take 24-48 hours to be enabled. Yes, you can create 2 MySQL databases. On cPanel you will see an icon labeled "MySQL Databases". Click on that and you will be able to create the databases and users (you have to add the user to the...
  2. descalzo

    PHP not supported ?

    Yes it is supported. Do you have a url ( post it as something dot com/whatever dot php if you do not want it to show up on Google etc) that I can see the problem?
  3. descalzo

    Tables automatically deleted

    How do you know they were "automatically deleted"? Have you gone to PHPMyAdmin and looked for them? What sort of code are you running? One of your scripts might be the culprit.
  4. descalzo

    Accessing database within class

    Why do you have function imageAnalysis twice? Why don't you use __construct() for your constructor? Are you creating multiple instances of the class? If so, require_once might be the culprit. Second call, the file not imported.
  5. descalzo

    multiple submit buttons

    <form name="f" action="results.html" id="cse-search-box" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="016374776113055568361:5xifn0wp6se" /> <input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:9" /> <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8" /> <input type="text" name="q"...
  6. descalzo

    Is chopin having issues?

  7. descalzo

    Is chopin having issues?

    I see it sometimes OK, sometimes slow, sometimes no DB on my friend's account.
  8. descalzo

    Python Help

  9. descalzo

    IP Address

    There might be an announcement about server movements/upgrades. But I would not depend on it.
  10. descalzo

    "External MySQL" How?

    The MySQL servers for Free Hosting accounts cannot be accessed from an external server. Period. No exceptions.
  11. descalzo

    email failure notice

    The problem is that some users on this system have been abusing the free accounts to send out spam. Hotmail and Yahoo have decided to blacklist (bounce back, not even put it into a spam folder) x10hosting's mail server. Apparently they will not understand that this is a shared system and that...
  12. descalzo

    Problem after changing domain name

    I see a 'Welcome' page right now. If you still see the light blue defaultwebpage.cgi, please clear your browser cache and history and try again.
  13. descalzo

    Help I Can't Access My Site

    Responded here: Please keep your responses in that thread.
  14. descalzo

    Help I Can't Access My Site

    It seems you just changed your domain name. It sometimes takes the system 24-48 to fully process the change. So right now the server knows your domain is somewhere, it just does not know which account to route requests to. Give it about a day. Clear your browser cache and history before...
  15. descalzo

    Python Help

    Actually, the Admins suffer from ophidiophobia.
  16. descalzo

    I'm new member and i have some questions

    1. Yes you can use your own domain. Either set it as your main domain using the Account Management Panel, , or use the cPanel to set it as a parked domain (same content as your main domain ) or as a parked domain. Make sure you use your domain...
  17. descalzo

    Hosting for malkygb

    If it has been gone for 2+ months, it is gone. You can sign up for a new Free Hosting account if you wish.
  18. descalzo

    im not able to access my wordpress login

    Not sure what you did when you installed Wordpress. Your blog seems to be in /wpa/index.php while the admin log in page is /wp-login.php
  19. descalzo

    SSL Service on free hosting server BORU

    SSL has been unavailable on all the Free servers for quit awhile and there does not seem to be any plans on enabling it.
  20. descalzo

    Problem inserting serialized array

    $query_insert_summary = "INSERT INTO IMGCOMPS (DESCRIPTION, ANALYSIS) VALUES ('Test','$serialisedSummaryArray')"; Does this give you an error?