Search results

  1. S

    Password Reset

    I can't login to do that?
  2. S

    Password Reset

    Hello! The email used for my sign up no longer exists - can someone please reset my login? Thanks
  3. S

    Resolved SSL (Free Hosting)

    Good evening! Trying to sort SSL certificate, read the stuck-thread. I'm getting error: "cannot execute this request. You are not allowed to modify your ssl settings" when searching SSL. Can someone please assist?
  4. S

    Any timeline on when websites will be restored?

    Ignore this one.
  5. S

    Retrieving multiple data via ajax

    Hey. Anybody with Ajax & PHP knowledge that can help me? I have a booking form which I would like to check with the database before we submit. When the customer clicks on a product & selects a date, I want to know if it's available or not. Here's what I have so far... I've never used ajax...
  6. S down?

    Open the files & check them. Mine were stripped of all data last week.
  7. S

    Web Site Blank

    They've obviously been fiddling with the server. Last week I lost about 75% of my files data. I had to manually recreate these files as I didnt take a backup. My only suggestion would be to backup your files everytime you make changes. If you havent already, download an FTP programme, this...
  8. S Down AGAIN

    I lost lot of data last week as I only had a partial backup. Thankfully now I've rectified the issues & prepared a complete backup incase it happens again. My main domain is showing HTTP 503 Backend fetch failed. However, if I enter the URL for my CMS, this shows as it should. Lack of admins...
  9. S is down?

    What on earth happened? All of my files have been decoded (literally, no code in them) & my databases are all screwed. X10 - wth??? You realise how much effort goes in to this?