Search results

  1. J

    Rebuild website on Lotus?

    Do i have to rebuild my website on lotus becuase i lost some chunks of data or are they restore the whole server and a rebuild is not necessary.?
  2. J

    Windows 7 build 7022 Images

    Looks good.
  3. J

    PHP Errors

    I was looking at my site today and saw the php code was missing then a few hours later some of the code came back but the other code wasen't there so i was wondering but then i tryed to login on my site and bingo php error. Error: No-Content...
  4. J

    cpanel help

    Ok i have added as a parked domain but its still not working ??? Plus now i get this error "Error from park wrapper: is already configured. " when i try to park it
  5. J

    cpanel help

    I bought a new domain yesterday and i am trying to add it but i get this error when using parked domains/add a sub domain etc. the error is : "Error from park wrapper: is owned by another user. " But i already own the domain. My domain is
  6. J

    domain problem

    Ok i bought a domain the other day its working and stuff but i can't add it to my domains i tryed to add in "add on domains" but it says domain owned by another user. Also how could i add this domain to be my main domain and would this change all my emails to like...
  7. J

    Where are you from?

    Im from Sapporo, Hokkaido Japan!
  8. J

    Windows XP vs Windows Vista

    Im going to have to say XP it way more reliable i will swich when Version 7 of windows comes out
  9. J

    my website

    When i try to view my website i either get redirected or get a error saying cannot connect to host this also happens to cpanel whats going on?
  10. J

    The best free software!!

    thanks for he great softwere
  11. J


    Hello everyone im so glad to be part of the x10 hosting community