Search results

  1. S

    Flash Programming

    Thanks for the information port5900
  2. S

    [REQ][x10credits]Need flash header

    hi guys, I need a flash header immediately for my site. I would like to call upon x10 members who are good in flash animation to help me out. PM me if you can do it with the following details. (1)How much minimum credits do you need to start up. (2)Any Sample designs. My header will be...
  3. S

    Can you efficiently work with MS Word without using a mouse?

    176 Home StartOfLine Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the current line 177 Shift+Home StartOfLineExtend Extends the selection to the beginning of the current line 178 Alt+Home StartOfRow Moves to the first cell in the current row 179 Alt+Ctrl+PgUp...
  4. S

    Can you efficiently work with MS Word without using a mouse?

    101 Alt I, L InsertFile Inserts t he text of another file into the active document 102 Alt I, N InsertFootnote Inserts a footnote or endnote reference at the insertion point 103 Alt + Ctrl + F InsertFootnoteNow Inserts a footnote reference at the insertion point without...
  5. S

    Can you efficiently work with MS Word without using a mouse?

    61 Alt + F4 (Word 97) FileExit Quits Microsoft Word and prompts to save the documents (does intercept the menu item, but not the keyboard shortcut, or the x button. An AutoExit macro is usually a better way of intercepting this). 62 NOT Ctrl+N!! FileNew Creates a new document or...
  6. S

    Can you efficiently work with MS Word without using a mouse?

    6 Alt + F10 AppMaximize Enlarges the application window to full size 7 Alt + F5 AppRestore Restores the application window to normal size 8 Ctrl+B Bold Makes the selection bold (toggle) 9 Ctrl + PgDn BrowseNext Jump to the next browse object 10 Ctrl +...
  7. S

    Can you efficiently work with MS Word without using a mouse?

    Yes is my answer, and here is the shortcut keys. 1 Ctrl + Shift + A AllCaps Makes the selection all capitals (toggle) 2 Alt + Ctrl + 1 ApplyHeading1 Applies Heading 1 style to the selected text 3 Alt + Ctrl + 2 ApplyHeading2 Applies Heading 2 style to the selected text 4 Alt +...
  8. S

    NS1 and NS2

    Welcome to x10hosting.. its
  9. S

    What is your dream job...

    Programming computers like in sci-fi movies.
  10. S

    i got paid with donkeymails

    You are right starshine, we need to insist upon his in this forum section.
  11. S

    Credits Information

    It will be decreased to 10 (510-500=10)
  12. S

    Gas Prices

    Though its reducing worldwide, our government is yet to take a decission on reducing the oil prices.
  13. S

    For Linux Users Only

    /*****************Moved to Programming Help Section************/ Reason:- Author asks about c++ coding.
  14. S

    UserType Specific Profile Field Adder Mod in PhpFox

    /***************Edited/Merged/Moved to Tutorial***************/ Reason:- its giving some information that will be useful to newbies. so moved to tutorials.
  15. S

    [REQ]{bid}Need a flash header

    I have not finalized the deal. Its still open.
  16. S

    Is hosting mp3s allowed?

    According to the TOS
  17. S

    Tech Geek Magazine

    The design looks good. But as most of the people pointed out, you could have restricted the resolution to 1024x768 as most people all over the world will be using this resolution now a days. Some will be even using 800x600 resolution.
  18. S

    How many monitors do you have?

    Currently i have only on 17 inch monitor.
  19. S

    x10's ads?

    yes. Even the senior staff also mentioned about it once.
  20. S

    Web 2.0

    Thanks for the suggestion/comments