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  1. Zdroyd

    Free Software Poll 2: Word Processors

    NeoOffice (the OO.o for Mac) sucks Steve Jobs' balls. But OO.o for PC is the best.
  2. Zdroyd

    Can money buy true happiness?

    For me yes. And that is why my whole life is dedicated to bringing people and friends together with video games and entertainment. The definition of TRUE HAPPINESS depends on the individual.
  3. Zdroyd

    Poll: Who is No:1(Google,Yahoo,Microsoft)

    But from the looks of it Google is going to do everything Microsoft has done. Next comes, Google OS called: GoOSgle or GoOgleS or GoogOS
  4. Zdroyd


    Thisisfun.ButsadlyIamtoousedtousingpuncuationsoeveryonehasaneasyertimereadingmyposts... WhoherelovesHalo3? TheHalogamesareallonmytoptenlist...
  5. Zdroyd

    Count to 1 Million

    699 Arguments about if this will fill up the forums server. (Is this spam?)
  6. Zdroyd

    Left 4 Dead

    Zombie Games get boring too.... And I really do not need to see all the blood and mutated body parts in HD...
  7. Zdroyd

    Left 4 Dead

    Personally I am getting bored of Valve games...
  8. Zdroyd

    Count to 1 Million
  9. Zdroyd


    Camping:It'saLegitimateStrategy! GoRedvsBlue,Chirchrocks! thatwastooeasytoreadIwillhavetodosomethingelse....thinkinghmmmmmwowicantfigureanythingtotype... iamhavingahardtimedoingthis.Iamtoousedtotypingwithmykeyboard.
  10. Zdroyd

    What do you do on the computer?

    "I can tell you what I don't do..." LOL
  11. Zdroyd

    The biggest social group on x10!!!

    Personally I think this group is big enough... Everyone that is regularly on seems to be in this group. (Theoretically)
  12. Zdroyd

    Would you kill one to save thousands?

    Yes and we learn lessons from failures like that... Even extremely bad things have good effects on the whole species...
  13. Zdroyd

    Poll: Who is No:1(Google,Yahoo,Microsoft)

    Well it used to be Microsoft, but the empire known as "Google" is starting to take control. Knowing that Google has bought out every popular internet company and website, Google will soon RULE THE WORLD!
  14. Zdroyd

    Guess Who Posts Next

    Your right.... (or are you!!!) I think it will be someone who will be the president some day.
  15. Zdroyd

    Can money buy true happiness?

    Well lets say that to me the best happiness is playing and 'hanging' with friends. So if I use money to buy an Xbox, Halo 3 and Xbox Live, I will be able to play with friends and make new friends. So in that case money would buy me happiness. But all in all money can not buy happiness...
  16. Zdroyd

    God vs. Science

    Evil is not the absence of Good. Apathy is the absence of Good. If I do nothing I am not evil I am just apathetic. Evil is the opposite of good, not the absence of Good. Just because the rules apply to Heat and Light does not mean they apply to Good and Evil. Edit: My (super atheist) friend...
  17. Zdroyd

    Free Software Poll 2: Word Processors

    Everyone one lives OO.o (Because its JavaSun!)
  18. Zdroyd

    The Ultimate Star Wars Book - Please Help...

    I THINK I FOUND IT! "The New Essential Chronology (2005) by Daniel Wallace" I will rent it at the library and see if that is the one! Thank You! (And stupid me for not thinking to use Wikipedia!)
  19. Zdroyd

    Forum Game <Wish>

    So do I! HA HA Ha! I wish I had not been so mean to GTKILLA
  20. Zdroyd

    Word Assoation Game

    Hair > Gay Guys