Search results

  1. tondopie

    150 credits for a nice banner

    I can customize the HTML for you so you don't need it resized. Just PM me a Super Admin Username and Password so I can edit the HTML. You can delete the account when Im done. It'll take me about 5 minutes to do.
  2. tondopie

    150 credits for a nice banner

    since you are using my banner does this mean I win?
  3. tondopie

    Free Domain(Read This)

    My Dad's card was declined. I will pay 600 credits if someone register one for me (I will also give you a free .info domain for your trouble).
  4. tondopie

    150 credits for a nice banner

    Re: 150 credits + rep for a nice banner Here's one: (Click the image to see the full thing. x10 makes thumbnails for use in posts). Ask me if you need the PSD. The image is transparent so it may look a bit different on every background.
  5. tondopie

    Sohail's Web2.0 Design Shop

    I would Like it to say OpenSource DS News on 1 line and Bottled From the Source on the next. In the colors they are on: It should also match with the website. EDIT: 500x100 please. EDIT2: Also if you could include a DS Lite in there somewhere it would be very nice.
  6. tondopie

    Free .INFO domain name for a year [contest]

    hurry up folks 10m before I draw the winner! Edit: tcmstr134.... you have WON!!! I am PMing you right now, please tell me what you want the domain to be!
  7. tondopie

    Domain Name Raffle!!

    Screenshot please
  8. tondopie

    Domain Name Raffle!!

    yes I guess I do have a need for anothher one
  9. tondopie

    Domain Name Raffle!!

    Can I withdraw? I just bought a domain! And get my credits back?
  10. tondopie

    I'll customize and setup forums/CMS for credits! Cheap rates!

    Here are my rates: Setting-Up: 50 - 200 credits depending on the CMS or Forum software. Banners/Logos: 200 credits Ads/Buttons/etc.: 100 credits Customize themes and templates: 100 - 1000 credits depending on what you want done. Add Features and Extras: 200 - 1000 Credits depending on what it...
  11. tondopie

    Free .INFO domain name for a year [contest]

    Im using the list generator where whoever gets first wins. Entries: bigjoe4 tcmstr134 x5 Jesse erik93se x5
  12. tondopie

    Free .INFO domain name for a year [contest]

    Entries: bigjoe4 tcmstr134 Jesse erik93se x5 YOU CAN HAVE MORE THAN ONE ENTRY!!!
  13. tondopie

    Free .INFO domain name for a year [contest]

    Entries: bigjoe4 tcmstr134 Jesse
  14. tondopie

    Free .INFO domain name for a year [contest]

    Yea I will Entries: BigJoe4
  15. tondopie

    x10Hosting Double Everything Special!

    I love this, I just sent in my $10 this morning... 5-7 days before I get awesomer hosting than the already awesomest hosting I have now! You are the greatest x10!
  16. tondopie

    Free .INFO domain name for a year [contest]

    Contest ends on Wed. 9:00 PM GMT -6
  17. tondopie

    10 Credits Just for Reading

    I read this: Man! You are a great writer! The words flow really nicely. You have great similes and metaphors. I had to look up the meaning of some things on Wikipedia such as "tunnel vision".
  18. tondopie

    128 credits maybe even more

    just use SMF w/ TP and Joomla.
  19. tondopie

    Sohail's Web2.0 Design Shop

    I would be willing to pay you 400 credits for a good logo for my site.
  20. tondopie

    Domain Name Raffle!!

    I'll take 5 more... I'm sending 100 more credits.