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  1. P

    Suggestions for best way to build a MySQL table from raw data?

    I have a lot of usernames stored in text files stored on my computer. I want to transfer these into a database I have already created. This is not a one time operation however, new usernames will be added to those text files every day, so I need a reliable way to transfer that data into the...
  2. P

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You got ripped off I insert the environment
  3. P

    PHP MySQL communication basics

    To: xav0989 Ah, I think I see what you are saying. I think my misunderstanding was in thinking the PHP code I'm writing was a stand alone program, but from my understanding of what you're saying it needs to be read/interpreted by a PHP reader. Hmm, I hadn't really considered that, I was...
  4. P

    PHP MySQL communication basics

    To mission: Ah, I see it now. Are you sure I should go with 0600 and not 0700? It seems like what I'm trying to do is read the password.php file and then execute the method getUserPassword() to return the password from it, so I would need execution privileges in that case? It's the only way...
  5. P

    PHP MySQL communication basics

    :biggrin: Wow, I'm really blown away by all the info posted in here thus far, I've spent the better part of the last 24 hours just reviewing it. The tizag tutorial are awesome, I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of the PHP syntax & functions. To: Mission I'll stick with localhost...
  6. P

    PHP MySQL communication basics

    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); works in all cases correct? I don't have to figure out the local address or something do I? $query = "SELECT * FROM users"; So I would replace that with define('SEARCH', 'bob'); $query = "SELECT "+$SEARCH+" FROM users"; and that would return users with...
  7. P

    PHP MySQL communication basics

    I'm new to MySQL and PHP and would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction becausee I do not know the required functions to program in these languages. If I have created a MySQL database (let's call it users) with a table (let's call that names) and would like a PHP script to...
  8. P

    Help with displaying ads

    I filed a help desk ticket. My account has been moved over to a new server and everything seems to functioning correctly. :lockd:
  9. P

    Help with displaying ads

    Actions Taken/Observations for reference purposes: Alright, I was able to log back onto my cPanel again today. I took a look around and saw that the MySQL database I had created a few days ago was gone, I'm attributing that to a side effect of any file transfers between servers, not as some...
  10. P

    Help with displaying ads

    Nah, I'm on Stoli. Is anyone else having trouble logging on to cPanel? I still can't get on. Gah, now I can't even access my site, even though my status is "good standing" -.- I hope whatever maintenance they are doing is cleared up soon, it's rather hard trying to change anything without...
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    Help with displaying ads

    ~there is no reason for such problem. Haha, well I agree with you, but that doesn't make it go away. Cleared the cache and I am continuing to have the problem ~So long as you have the advertisement code on your website Well, that's the thing, I'm not sure if I have the advertisement code...
  12. P

    Help with displaying ads

    I have changed the html file that generates my page from having <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> to having <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> in the file. However, the change has not...
  13. P

    If you see a 'Fitbit' site instead of yours... Fitbit ad is still showing after 24 hours. I haven't flushed the DNS yet because I don't want to interfere with the default settings unless absolutely necessary (I'm not really an internet guru). FIXED: I've fixed your DNS settings, flush DNS and clear...
  14. P

    Cannot login to Cpanel

    I have also been unable to log onto the cPanel. I have reset my password and have still had problems. The main x10 site lists my status as unsuspended, so I presume I am having the same problem as everyone else during the systems update and have not files a help desk ticket
  15. P

    index.html help

    I have no knowledge of html. I have been told that I need to change the index.html to something other than the default file so that my account is not suspended. Could someone please give me a html file that would show the required ads for my page? Perhaps the html file you use when you are...