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    [Offering] Advertising

    I am offering unlimited advertising on that recives 1000 pages veiws a day on average with 600 members registered and still growing. 60 x 40 Banner permemently placed on my website for only 70 Points! PM if you are interested. Trev
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    PHP Form

    Hay can any one help me out here, im trying to get a registration form working for a site im building but im stuck. As in i havent got a clue, iv got a working login form but cant seem to find a registration form. Im trying to add a username, password, IP, Email, Address and Age into a SQL data...
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    Where has IPB v1.3 gone from fantasico

    I've just got my account back and it seams that in fantastico IPB v1.3 inst there anymore is is going to be installed?! I found 1.2 in the Scripts Libery but where is 1.3 ? --Trev
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    Is anyone having problems with i havent bein able to get on there site in ages? --Trev
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    Page HElp

    Does anyone know of a way i can run a .exe game only about 2mb inside a html page! or a php page! I can do it in flash im just trying to add some games i made and there in a .exe formatt can some please help thanks trev.
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    Top banner of the forum

    Is it me or is there "aaaa" in the top center banner of the forum ??
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    Um is it me or can i not get on google! This hasnt happened before i can normaly relie on google working! Also Gmail has bein realy slow 2day!
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    [PHP-NUKE] Adding Advertisements

    Ok I some people are having trouble so iv looked into it and i managed to get a working add into phpnuke! My phpnuke test 1) Ok first of make a file called adds.html and place inside you're code. <p align="center"> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'...
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    IPB Error

    Im running IPB 2.0.3 and twice this week i have come up with the following error while loading up the index page! Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/wobble/public_html/forum/conf_global.php on line 375 The following is the code around line 375. This happened...
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    Can some one tell me why i cant login to Cpanel anymore. Every time i log in it takes me strait back to login page and it doesnt say i that my username or password is wrong! It just takes me strait back to the login screen?!