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  1. Chris S

    1000 Post

    Wow...its amazing how long it has taking me to get to 1000 posts, though it doesn't help that I left for a long while and only occasionally come back. Woo for post #1000
  2. Chris S

    Login Secure Pages

    Here is a simple one if you are looking for a members only area...its not the best way to do it, but it does work
  3. Chris S

    PHP found in string help

    thanks for all your help. I am actually going to leave my list how it is because I don't want it to trigger a song as explicit because it found the "ho" in the word "home"
  4. Chris S

    PHP found in string help

    im not looking to censor the lyrics. I am part of a christian originzation and we played blankest year over the loud system by accident. If you don't know what song im talking about...look for the unedited lyrics and your understand why im doing this. would explode end up looking like this...
  5. Chris S

    PHP found in string help

    this is weird...when I replace your list with my list, it stops working. Here is what I have. <?php $explicit = file("list.txt"); //swear words, made x10 safe! :) echo '<pre>'; print_r($explicit); echo '</pre>'; $lyrics="my both mississippi."; //obviously change this so it gets the lyrics for...
  6. Chris S

    PHP found in string help

    I am working on something to help me find out if a song is explicative or not. I have the following code if($i == 1 || $i == 2){ $preLyrics = openLink($link); $lyrics = explode("Lyrics -->",$preLyrics); print_r($words); $length = count($words); for($x = 0;$x <...
  7. Chris S

    include page problem

    currently you have this $Table .="<td>include'Action/form.php'</td>"; try something like $Table .="<td>".require_once('Action/form.php')."</td>";
  8. Chris S

    Javascript Check Number Help

    that's what I was missing...thanks. I kept on trying to do and if else statement...I had a general idea of what I was trying to achieve but wasn't sure how to go about doing it. Nothing like going above and beyond. This was kind of for a homework assignment. The original assignment was have a...
  9. Chris S

    Javascript Check Number Help

    I need some help checking a number and seeing if it is between two numbers and if it is, continue, if not, ask for another number. I don't have much to start with, but I do have this var num = prompt("Enter number to view more information about an album 1-6 Only"); var num =...
  10. Chris S

    Alternatives for XAMPP?

    im using xampp and never really had a problem with it, and to add another problem in the mix, its on an external drive that I can carry around with my and plug and play basically. I guess I just got lucky. I have also used wamp and have also had good success. There was one that I had installed...
  11. Chris S

    Running a Server

    well, you would be able to run a server, but it would be a very slow one as your upload speed is slow, and then you don't really need two computers, yes it would be an advantage to have two, you can manage the server from the other computer, but currently I am running a personal server off a...
  12. Chris S

    How to whole remove dir in php

    here is something small and fast you can use. function delete_directory($dirname) { if (is_dir($dirname)){ $dir_handle = opendir($dirname); } if (!$dir_handle){ return false; } while($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if...
  13. Chris S

    PHP MYSQL WHERE statement help

    //rant ...but protip....seriously im currently coding a backend administration panel for managing servers on a network...thanks for the tip. //end rant Turns out what it was, i declared the table column command wrong, I had int and was trying to stick characters into it, so it was basically...
  14. Chris S

    PHP MYSQL WHERE statement help

    I need help with a little statement that I am working, I just cannot seem to get it to verify both values. $select = "SELECT * FROM `serverstatus` WHERE `ip` = '$serverip' AND`command` = '$key'"; I have that code and what it is supposed to do is look into my database and grab the one...
  15. Chris S

    Upload a file

    not sure if the error was fixed, but I put some debugging in here and then you had an extra bracket so I fixed that also. I also added indenting. Granted, I was self taught so it might look a tad weird to other people. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD>...
  16. Chris S

    Boxers or Briefs?

    really depends on what I am doing, I own all three and marching is more boxer-briefs while walking around on campus is a mixture of boxers and boxer-briefs. Now I'm going to take a while guess and say you can figure out what I wear while sleeping...I'll give you a hint, it really hasn't been...
  17. Chris S

    Upload a file

    also, how large is the file that you are uploading. by default there are two things in php that would limit how well an upload works, max_file_upload, and the script time out. If anything I believe that you will reach the file size limit before you reach the script time out.
  18. Chris S

    Account not Responding

    weird, because I was trying to access it after that date (April 5th) and through I had asked brandon to unsuspend it. I guess it never got correctly unsuspended. Lucky for me I have a backup and I am going to see what I can do about it.
  19. Chris S

    Account not Responding

    Username: habitatp URL: Problem: My site is not responding anymore. Its not suspended, it just doesn't respond and when I try to ping it, it doesn't respond to a ping. It appears that the site may of been terminated, the only problem is that I have no idea why and when it...
  20. Chris S

    [PHP] Find Nearest Quarter Hour

    I needed a script to find the nearest quarter of the hour for a project I am working on. Here is how I did it. $quote = mktime(0,30,0,1,1,0)-mktime(0,15,0,1,1,0); $thistime = time(); $thistime = round($thistime/$quote)*$quote; $nearestQuarter = date("h:i, $thistime);