Search results

  1. C

    Drop down box submit onchange XHTML 1.1

    I've always found the styleswitcher script over at a list apart to be the best cross-browser compatible/xhtml compliant style switcher implementation. It's link based, but you could probably adapt it to be dropdown based instead.
  2. C

    Ajax Basics

    I'd recommend w3schools tutorials, start with this one phpasks, quote your source if you're going to just copy and paste someone else's work, seriously, that whole page is a direct rip of this page ~
  3. C

    Speed Up Firefox. Really Works!

    The maximum value for network.http.pipelining.maxrequests is 8, so 30 is a pointless number. and you should also note: pipelining also depends on having network.http.pipelining (or network.http.proxy.pipelining if you're using a proxy) set to true, and isn't supported by all servers (and...
  4. C

    PHP security
  5. C


    OK, mod_rewrite it is ;) RewriteRule ^old_folder(.*)$ /new_folder/filename.htm [L,R=301]
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    You should have an .htaccess file in your public_html folder, if not, use cpanel to create one, edit it and add something similar to this (ie replace the folder names, url and filename to match your site Redirect 301 /old_directory/ http://your_url/new_directory/name_of_file.htm 301 tells...
  7. C

    php , jsp , asp?

    Any of the three are only as secure as your code. You can't base your opinions on who uses what, it's how they use it, and how it was written that counts. You'll probably find many banking sites use asp because they have deals with Microsoft for their server products and support, not because...
  8. C

    Simple CSS Help please

    Assuming you've assigned a class (yourclass in example) already add to your style sheet a.yourclass { font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; color: #000000; // use whatever colour your regular text is here } and if you want to not show any style when hovering/clicking the link too...
  9. C

    Textmate vs Dreamweaver

    Textmate's a text editor, used for hand writing code, whereas dreamweaver, as a WYSIWYG editor, actually writes the code for you. They're two different things really. The poster recommending textmate would be referring to hand coding their site, which is better (IMO) as all wysiwyg editors tend...
  10. C

    need help with form submit script

    My apologies, you are indeed correct :) (it's early here, guess I need another coffee)
  11. C

    Wallpaper site script

    You'd be better off with something like (not sure if it's in fantastico via your cpanel, can't get on mine atm to check) as a Gallery of your wallpapers is what you seem to be aiming for :) Judging by your needs any gallery type script or even some sort of slideshow...
  12. C

    need help with form submit script

    Just referencing the current form object is enough to make it work for a single form... <a href="/#" class="submit" onclick="this.form.submit();">Continue</a>
  13. C

    Visitor Counter, Calculated Fields, and Radio Buttons

    Unless your computer is also a webserver with php and mysql installed, it's never likely to run from there. Log in to cpanel, scroll down to the Software / Services section and click on Fantastico De Luxe, from there you can install Joomla (or pretty much any CMS you fancy) on your site. If...
  14. C

    Hope this is the right place to post this.

    all you can do? there's more to html layouts than static fixed width. try a (insert search engine of choice here) search for 'fluid layout' and 'elastic layout ' wiileg3nd fluid layout is what you're looking for, there's plenty of tuts and examples out there, I'm not gonna make...
  15. C

    External Javascript reference failing

    Is the fact you didn't post the url of the script because it's not yours?> If so, maybe the owner's wise and prevented hot-linking it? If it is yours, place it in your web root (public_html folder) and just put the name of the script in the src param (no path, just the filename). If it still...
  16. C

    Embed Streaming Videos

    Was gonna ask the same. According to the params you've entered the video file should be in your web root (public_html) folder. Did you perhaps put it in another folder on your site? If so change the URL and the src params to point to the folder you put it in (or move the file to web root) btw...
  17. C

    Displaying image using php mysql

    Try this instead echo "<td width='280' height='250' rowspan=3><img src=\"".$row['photo']."\" /> </td>";
  18. C

    Why script dont work

    More information might help. An indication of what you're trying to install might give someone who's installed the same an opportunity to help. If I had to hazard a guess I'd say a mis-placed ; (semi-colon) somewhere in the php file you edited is your problem.
  19. C

    Need help with PHP script for IP address of sites

    What you're looking for is reverse DNS lookup (looking up domain names from ip address) php uses gethostbyaddr() function for that from that page, there's this post which neatly uses dns_get_record function to pull the associated domains and put them in an...
  20. C


    Ah, try adding a slash to the front of index.php so it's /index.php