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  1. shadowslash

    my custom 404 page wont show

    There's an option in the cPanel to let me modify the error messages shown to users.. I did it and tried to edit the 404 page which is usually what users will see in case of dead links, etc. I saved it and there appeared a 404.shtml page on the root of my public_html folder. I was thinking this...
  2. shadowslash

    Trailing text / link in the emails...

    Um actually every time it has an indication that it contains emails, I check it.... Don't know how many times those instances happen...
  3. shadowslash

    Trailing text / link in the emails...

    Ummm and spambinning would be? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the term... x)
  4. shadowslash

    Trailing text / link in the emails...

    Hmm as I stated above, I would've just purchased the domain name then I can let x10hosting handle the rest. I'm going to have to start at the bottom of the industry so I should settle for the best and at most, free sources. Once the site has regular users, then comes the consideration of...
  5. shadowslash

    Trailing text / link in the emails...

    I read from a post in the News forum that pretty soon the emails coming from free hosting sites will have some sort of x10hosting thing at the end of the email like hotmail... I'm planning on making a somewhat community website and I'm planning on buying only the domain name and host it on...
  6. shadowslash

    about my account,

    no reason has been indicated for the suspension of my account shadow01, it suddenly got suspended and it can't be automatically restored... please let me know as soon as you can concerning this report
  7. shadowslash

    Please Review my website and submit experience

    LOL, when I saw your new site, I remembered one of my program's (Basic HTML Wizard) website ( take a look and see for your self. xD
  8. shadowslash

    PHP Mail() not working for certain emails

    I've had this problem before, I sorta had a work around for it by using a custom CGI engine and running the sendmail application found in linux instead...
  9. shadowslash

    vaccine company

    Thanks for the feedback, the images here are actually just googled by me just to show the cient how it will look like afterwards. Hmm about the Products section, can anybody share with me ideas about what products might a vaccination company for a seaman may have? Much thanks guys!
  10. shadowslash

    vaccine company

    Um, is the site close to a vaccination website at any point?
  11. shadowslash

    vaccine company

    That, you got a point my friend, I updated my post above, sorreee xD
  12. shadowslash

    vaccine company

    I haven't done any websites for vaccine companies. The site I'm gonna show you is just a shell, no functions yet, only the few pages have contents, forms don't work, etc. I just need to hear from you how a vaccination company website looks like. Thanks for the future suggestions and / or...
  13. shadowslash

    Please Review my website and submit experience

    Lol, it spits "WebPage Maker" all over it. :D Though the interface was indeed easy to navigate through. It needs more color and also try and make the theme of your forum to at least the match the color scheme of your site. Don't flood the left navigation because some people (including me) tend...
  14. shadowslash

    My website is down

    they said at the IRC channel that the servers are down due to maintenance because PHP, Apache and cPanel are being updated... ^^
  15. shadowslash

    when do i receive my email?

    when will I receive my confirmation email for my ad-enhanced site? it's kinda been stuck at the part where i'm supposed to link my existing cpanel username to my forum username whereas it can't be linked because i haven't received the email yet.... I know the staff is currently transferring...
  16. shadowslash

    oh about my problem below, nevermind, I already got a grasp of what's happening, thanks anyway...

    oh about my problem below, nevermind, I already got a grasp of what's happening, thanks anyway! i gotta sleep now x) more power!!
  17. shadowslash

    hey, uhh, i f u don't mind me asking, why does it say when I try to sign up that I already have...

    hey, uhh, i f u don't mind me asking, why does it say when I try to sign up that I already have a hosting account and that I should use it but then, when I try to link it (shadow01) to my username here (shadowslash) it says "The hosting username you specified does not exist." why is that?
  18. shadowslash

    Corey Got married!!

    congratulations!! ;) i wish you two all the best ^_^
  19. shadowslash

    hey there how are yah? ^_^

    hey there how are yah? ^_^
  20. shadowslash

    Do you think Obama will be a good president?

    If yes, why? If no, why too? Do you think he'll make a difference among all the previously elected presidents? What projects has he done, or has in store for the Americans? Will his projects prove him worthy enough for the position?? Feel free to answer.. ^^