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  1. biscoolcool

    enable allow_url_fopen

    Thank you so much for explaining everything!!! I'm still only learning php so this is why I made the mistakes like include the translator thought HTTP.
  2. biscoolcool

    enable allow_url_fopen

    Remember the translator? Misson told me I can include it on every page using this code <?php include('translator.php'); ?> It dosen't matter how but I figured out to use the code with the http:// I need url_fopen to be enabled. <?php include(''); ?>...
  3. biscoolcool

    enable allow_url_fopen

    Probably because you switched to php intermediate. My problem is that the 1st img says that I have php V1 and the second says I have v2.
  4. biscoolcool

    enable allow_url_fopen

    "when the new systems are released and bug-free." When (date/month/Chopin stopped being attacked) will that be?
  5. biscoolcool

    Thank The Send To x10hosting

    x10hosting is the best host ever!!!
  6. biscoolcool

    enable allow_url_fopen

    When will url_fopen be re-enabled? After Chopin will stop being attacked?
  7. biscoolcool

    Chopin Server

    I'm on Chopin and live in the US my website is working.
  8. biscoolcool

    enable allow_url_fopen

    Thanks I'll use that for now but I still need allow_url_fopen to work. Anybody got another idea?
  9. biscoolcool

    enable allow_url_fopen

    Why does the first image say that I have PHP version 1 and the second image say PHP version 2? Edit: According do you my account is set to intermediate and allow_url_fopen is enabled. Then why do I get this error on my site?
  10. biscoolcool

    enable allow_url_fopen

    I read how to enable allow_url_fopen it said I need to go to sign in, go to "Upgrade PHP Version" and select "Intermediate". When I go there I get this message "This feature is not currently activated on your account. All accounts are set to x10Hosting's PHP v2...
  11. biscoolcool

    Can't see index.htm

    The website is working but I see that you didn't upload any images.
  12. biscoolcool

    enable allow_url_fopen

    I read how to enable allow_url_fopen it said I need to go to sign in, go to "Upgrade PHP Version" and select another package. When I go there I get this message "This feature is not currently activated on your account. All accounts are set to x10Hosting's PHP v2...
  13. biscoolcool

    Car Site: Pls take time to look & review

    The red is distracting!!!
  14. biscoolcool

    Please review my site

    Looks very nice but I can see that this is your website too. If you scroll all the way down there is this big pink area that hurts my eyes!!!
  15. biscoolcool

    Personal Photography Website - What do you think?

    Nice layout! I don't like when you right click it says "function disabled". Anyone can steal your images if they want to by looking @ the source code. If you go to you can see all the images in that folder. To prevent this just make a...
  16. biscoolcool

    JavaScript (or maybe php) help

    Thanks again, the last part was very useful because I have almost no chances of messing up the translator code!!!:lockd:
  17. biscoolcool

    JavaScript (or maybe php) help

    Thanks mission for your long but good code and thanks descalzo for correcting it. Here is a sample page using this code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta...
  18. biscoolcool

    JavaScript (or maybe php) help

    This is the code that I used <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Page to...
  19. biscoolcool

    JavaScript (or maybe php) help

    Thanks descalzo. Can some one also tell me the php way?
  20. biscoolcool

    JavaScript (or maybe php) help

    No the visitor clicks translate and it takes them to After the = is the URL from which they pressed translate.I need a script that will automatically put the URL from which the visitor pressed...