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  1. balaji2u


    Hi lordbogit welcome to X10.make the most of it.
  2. balaji2u

    .INFO-The Demerits

    Im planning to buy a info domain with the help of one at X10.please tell me the precautions that i have to take when choosing a info domain and also does it have a lower value in google or other search engine page indexing?
  3. balaji2u

    What are you really good at?

    Fixing a problem that didnt occured at past,testing,thinking of domain names, Going at the max. speed in heavy traffic with my bike,sentimentally locking my mates :D
  4. balaji2u

    FREE Traffic? The Honest How-To Guide

    :) Sure siaram ;) can you explain me the demerits caused while change the domain names coz i planned to buy a info domain instead of my domain.
  5. balaji2u

    [REQ][2000 credits][PHP]From file to database

    i think i can do this.send me all the script files that depend on the file to read the data and also the sample of data may be a database containing two or three records or just give me authentication to ur comfortable with any of these methods.
  6. balaji2u

    [REQ] 100 Credits for 5 comments
  7. balaji2u

    [OFFER]50 Credits For Signup using my referral

    Im ready to give you 50 credits for first 10 members who are signing up in domain lagoon using my referral link.Click this below link to signup. reply with your username and credits are on your way.
  8. balaji2u

    XGGI | Xero Graphics/Gaming Informer

    Most attractive theme usage.very well done.
  9. balaji2u

    Hi titat have a great evening . :)

    Hi titat have a great evening . :)
  10. balaji2u

    Need your help

    If you feel that my site will improve in coming days with this below shown webalizer report please donate me a domain im ready to place your add for whole year with any add company that you say me so. if you ready to give me domain only if even more unique visits i have to get then please tell...
  11. balaji2u

    Hi welcome to X10.

    Hi welcome to X10.
  12. balaji2u

    Need Loyal Authors For Site360

    any one?
  13. balaji2u

    [REQ]500 Credits]Domain

    Re: [REQ]500 Credits Sorry for that.will never repeat this in future.:happysad:
  14. balaji2u

    [REQ]35 Credits for 3 Comments

    Thanks for making interactive comments. 35 credits are on your way and thanks for the RSS too :cool:
  15. balaji2u

    [REQ]500 Credits]Domain

    hi i need a domain hardly but dont have sufficient money, i can give you 500 credits if any one gives me support to get a free domain name through services like domainlagoon,officelive, because i get stuck with my nationality and the absence of credit card. if you like to help me with...
  16. balaji2u

    [100][REQ]Freelance Company Name

    Good all the best for your progress.
  17. balaji2u

    Greetings from Chile

    welcome to x10 andres.enjoy your stay.
  18. balaji2u

    Php database

    Sunil is correct .but the headers variables are with out the . {DOT} which will cause it to not append the previous stored strings? or is it will not create problems .i think sunil leave this because may be php automatically appends the string if im right!!!
  19. balaji2u

    Whats your speed machine?

    woow am so glad to my first reply from X10 admin. Brandon your car is awesome and this is what my kind of car. can you please specify the make and brand of your Car?
  20. balaji2u

    Gmail theme, which one did you choose?

    i checked the settings there no theme option where is it?