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  1. Joker Boy

    actionscript help!

    Eh guys, as some of you may know I go to school with this kid who has an account on x10 and he and I are making a game (it was really mostly him but I gave him all the ideas and stuff). Silver mole said he dosn't know how to code Actionscript 2.0 that well and he has "Flash 8 Professional...
  2. Joker Boy

    Everything about Linux

    Hello fellow x10 users, I am (hopefully for xmas) getting Linux soon. I know absolutely nothing about linux and how it works. Is it just like any other comp like Windows or Mac with the same features but just comes with apache and is able to host stuff? Is it extremely expensive? Thanks guys I...
  3. Joker Boy

    Wii Wars

    This thread should probably be in the Crossfire board but oh well: There is so much rivalry about all the different gaming systems such as Sony's Playstation 3, Microsoft's XBoX 360, and Nintendo's Wii. Post what you think is your favorite and if you are not too lazy post why it is your...
  4. Joker Boy


    So pretty much my math teacher is vegetarian. He eats tofurkey. What are YOU doing for thanksgiving?
  5. Joker Boy

    Hosting SMF

    Are you able to host a SMF forum if you had the x10corporate plan? You DO have the MySQL databases AND cPanel...
  6. Joker Boy

    Make 2500 points in less than 10 mins...

    Make 2300 points in less than 10 mins... just complete the offer, when I get x10cash, u get ur points. Sound good? (If I don't have 2300 points, u get the points I have then I donate the rest to u when I get them =)
  7. Joker Boy

    check this out I know it may seem stupid, but trust me, when you near the end you will get a rush of adrenoline like no other and want to finish this site. Trust me. wow thats hard to do. And I've got a touchpad too, let me tell...
  8. Joker Boy

    Dynamo = win, WIN, WIN!!!!

    Yess!! The Houston Dynamos overpowered the New England Revolutions in the soccer match this evening! It was for the U.S. final championships and my team owned the other team. Most exciting game ever, couldn't go though. Too far away for me... First it ended the game score: 0 - 0 Then stoppage...
  9. Joker Boy

    The Rev Review

    Kids beep Hey, I started this blog called the Rev Review and review websites. You can write a review for a site and submit it or submit a site and we will review it, you can tell us if you want only good things or completely honest. We have just started this so bear with us plz. (we have...
  10. Joker Boy

    Crossfire forum points down

    Why has the *XTRA POINTS FORUM* gone down in *XTRA POINTS?* was 20.00 per thread, now its 5. 5.00 per reply, now its 2. I liked the points in the xfire forums :biggrin: more motivation to post!:rant2:
  11. Joker Boy

    My Pumpkin!

    here it is! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Happy Halloween!!1
  12. Joker Boy

    Versa Laser™ Is this the cunning edge scientific and technological breakthrough that we have all been waiting for for so many years? A printer that can actually print the objects on your screen, not just on paper. Check it out.
  13. Joker Boy


    McDonalds is a bad company with bad food. McDonalds is a good company with good food. The food is healthy. The food is not healthy. It makes you fat and slow and gay. It is taste good. ??? One of the most heated debates of our time. Lets settle this now, right now, right here. I'll let YOU Decide.
  14. Joker Boy

    Google vs Microsoft

    Right now Google is absolutely pwning Microsoft, and I'm with Google. I'm a HUGE Google fan! :biggrin:
  15. Joker Boy

    Reopening the bank

    In case you haven't heard/realized/been told/been informed, the bank has been shut down several months ago due to irresponsible use and haxx0rz. I reaaally want the bank back open and if you knew more about it I'm pretty sure you would to. So this is what I'm planning to do: I want to put...
  16. Joker Boy

    My Site Okay, I know about the preloader to the intro and how flashy it is, that is number 1 on my list. So what else? Constructive critisism is a GOOD THING!! Do NOT BE NICE!!1112
  17. Joker Boy

    Crossfire = Slowned

    Dude, I friggin showed off my slownage on crossfire :biggrin:
  18. Joker Boy


    What is Warning Maturity? Is 30 high or low? Explain the whole warning system plz...
  19. Joker Boy

    Sistema de escritorio de la planta carnívora

    Aqui ¡Absolutamente insano, pero yo desear eso!!! :biggrin::biggrin:
  20. Joker Boy

    Planets: 8 or 9?

    Okay, I gave you guys the chance to start this topic over a week ago and it's still not started! I know I've started so many topics in the last few days I'm sick of starting topics, but this one has to be started. Sorry guys, but it does. Sooo.. Do you think there should be only 8 planets as...