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  1. alz4445

    Review N-Tech, please

    It's back, bigger and better than before. What do you think about the new site? Some parts of it are still being made, like the content boxes, they will soon have proper backgrounds with borders. You will soon be able to choose the theme, etc. I hope you like it. Give comments on how to improve...
  2. alz4445

    photoshop psd

    DeviantArt is also a great place to get .PSD's.
  3. alz4445

    Free Software Poll 1: Web browsers

    Definitely Firefox. Highly customisable, endless amount of features and add-ons, etc.
  4. alz4445

    Internet before or after ? So... Before 2000/2001 or after?
  5. alz4445

    [150 or 500 credits]Advertise Your Site at SohailTech

    Can I take a spot in both? I've attached the two required images, the credits are on their way. EDIT: 100th post! lol.
  6. alz4445

    Rollover Buttons with pictures

    Yeah, sure. In your header: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc; } function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array()...
  7. alz4445

    My first public web template! (vista)

    I personally, don't see how this is 'vista-like', just a few tips. - Are you aware that the right side isn't completely straight? - Sticking a vista wallpaper on the background doesn't make it vista-like. - Content area should be more flexible with sizes. - Buttons should be completely smooth...
  8. alz4445

    [OFF] [500] Sign up & post!

    Every month I will run this competition, to see who can win 500 credits. For every post you make, you will get one ticket, for every blog comment you make, you get one ticket. Sounds simple, right? Well, at the end of each month, I will randomly pick a number with a PHP script, so no one knows...
  9. alz4445

    [REQ] All my Credits: PHPBB style coded

    I could, but it would take way too long. I'll see how long my updates take on my site, and if I can do them fairly quickly, then I'll get cracking on your skin. Sound fair?
  10. alz4445

    Looking for new staff

    Great. Both got moderator status, it's a shame that all the rest haven't signed up yet, or if they have, they haven't posted anything.
  11. alz4445

    Looking For Tutors

    Tutors to teach what exactly?
  12. alz4445

    Looking for new staff

    Yes please. Alright cool. All of my mods can you please at least make one post on my forum so I know your active.
  13. alz4445

    X10 Drinks! - Just by using Photoshop CS4

    Erm... Well.. I was just getting around to that... I just got the new CS4, so I just tried out the new 3D stuff in it. Thanks.
  14. alz4445

    Looking for new staff

    What style? I'll fix the cookie path and the style. EDIT: The cookies seem to be working on: but not on Unless it's just the Alienware.V1 theme.
  15. alz4445

    Rate my new template

    Well the whole idea was to imitate the Photoshop CS4 installer, and make it into a web template.
  16. alz4445


    I'm currently working on a tutorial to make a gallery in Photoshop, I'll be done with it soon though.
  17. alz4445

    Link Exchange With Web/Gfx Design Site.

    You can find it here (Temporary, will be moved to when I get that made)
  18. alz4445

    Rate my new template

    Really? I haven't seen any..
  19. alz4445

    Link Exchange With Web/Gfx Design Site.

    I'll do it. Link: Description: N-Tech - Redesigning the web.
  20. alz4445

    Rate my new template
