Search results

  1. C

    Will you keep on getting free software?

    yeah. why pirate photoshop when you can legally download for free? and it is alot better.... unlimited free plugins that you can easily build yourself!!
  2. C

    Post your specs

    just trying to be funny? it says you have: intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.40GHz. mExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse. a generic (probably PnP LCD) monitor running 1024x768@76Hz. a wireless card of generic type using windows drivers adapted for linux. a linksys wireless g card. a generic keyboard. HP DVD...
  3. C

    Updates, including rollbacks \ Apache success

    absolut still reporting great success..... still waiting.....
  4. C

    Please help! Site Disappeared

    man. that sux! i was just about to add a page. the sites worked 2 days ago. if it was working.... why did they do anything? no offense or anything but if it works, why fix it?!? i am getting a "data transfer error, connection refused" when trying to access my site at if...
  5. C

    Problem whit phpbb3 and else

    nvm. i found it.
  6. C

    Free Software Poll 5: Image Editors

    i love! i find it faster than most editors and you can get free plugins to expand it's functionality!! too bad it doesn't run on linux. :(
  7. C

    Post Your Desktop

    here's my linux one: puppylinux frugal install. window manager is icewm with a custom theme. the bar is wbar. icons from my xp one: vista theme with add on driver for ext2/ext3 drives and icon pack. also uses vistart both systems running on amd duron mobile oc'ed to 1.37ghz...
  8. C

    Battle of the Browsers

    flock is very closely based on firefox3. in fact i am pretty sure that you can get a plugin to turn your firefox3 into flock. flock is actually just firefox with the addon pre installed. so i am not so sure that flock should be separate from firefox in this poll.
  9. C

    Which Operating System do you prefer?

    vista is just slow. very slow. xp keeps crashing on me. linux is fully customizable, uses no resources, and doesn't crash unless you do something stupid like screw up the drivers or the ui settings. but linux doesn't get viruses. i love linux :) i do, however find that ubuntu is a bit too slow...
  10. C

    hello all

    thank you all for making x10hosting such a friendly place for all of us to host our websites! yours is the most friendly service i have ever used. merry christmas and happy new year!!
  11. C

    hello all

    hello. i am crabbypup, just announcing my presence here. some of you may know me from,, forums, or about six other sites. you will know if you see me. it will just say crabbypup like it does here. my site: i am a...
  12. C

    Free Software

    actually, i am pretty sure that ubuntu is both free and open source. there are only a handful of linux distros that are not free. personally i find ubuntu slow on my machine, so i use puppylinux (just look it up on if you want more info on linux i have a presentation i had to...
  13. C

    Free Software Suggestions

    have vlc media player or kmplayer been added to the list/recommended yet? and as for other software tuxguitar is a good score composer/editor for windows and linux; very similar to many non-free composition programs. and for operating systems i suggest adding puppylinux. it is quite user...
  14. C

    Post your specs

    amd duron mobile overclocked to 1.37ghz on stock cooling 768mb ddr333 RAM ati radeon 9000pro 64mb video card pcchips m825g motherboard HTOmega Claro 7.1 channel audio 320gb+30gb+20gb hdd's lg supermulti dvd/cd drive falienware(modified generic) case 17" compaq s700 crt i run a triple boot: winxp...
  15. C

    What is the usual waiting time for signup?

    hmm. seems like this should be temporarily stickied so that n00bs like us will know what the heck is going on with our accounts.