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    Review my site.

    Please review my site :-, I completely revamped it. Constructive criticism most welcome. Feel free to hangout and comment on my articles.
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    account suspended

    i guess i will have to do that only.
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    header files not being included in c++ compiler

    thanks, MS Visual C++ is tooo large. Can you suggest me a good, decent and relatively small compiler for C and C++. thnx
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    header files not being included in c++ compiler

    hey i downloaded the eclipse c++ compiler and tried creating a program. like the usual first step, i included header files : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> but it seems that the compiler does not recognize these header files, then i tried with this #include<iostream>...
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    Chopin Expedited Copy patiently waiting. thnx for the service. i appreciate you keeping ur service clean and up to date.
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    need help in c++

    hey, i am working on my school's c++ project. i need help on this. basically i am making a small banking calculator. it's 70% complete, but i am getting loads of error while compiling. plz help me out on this. i am working with ms visual c++. i have incorporated structures with functions in my...
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    Survey for my graduation project

    1. How much do you think you know about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? Fair enough 2. Was this issue mentioned sometime in your classroom or in your family discussions? · Maybe once or twice 3. What are you likely to say if you were in the middle of a discussion on the issue? ·...
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    any good university that offers courses in optics

    i wanted to know that is there any good university which offers courses in optics in USA, please don't mention MIT or Stanford
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    WHat the world thinks of internet explorer

    hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhaha, 100% true
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    website on chopin not working

    my website is on chopin and is not working from the past 3 days. BY THE WAY HAPPY BELATED NEW YEAR
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    lost my mobile

    hi i just lost my mobile more precisely i misplaced it and can't find it, but luckily i have it's IMEI number, how can i trace it have any idea plz reply thanks
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    Your Horoscope Today, Nov 25

    but i did not copy it from fb, i copied it from santabanta forums
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    Your Horoscope Today, Nov 25

    -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Bhavishyavani [ Romantic horoscope 2009 ] [ Yearly Overview 2009 ] Your Horoscope Today : November 25 -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 19) You need to pay much closer attention to your dreams today -- they are vitally...
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    Funny Animals Sneezing Moments

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    I don't mean to be rude but

    what does this post mean exactly
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    Google Wave

    plz can someone send me an invite for google wave
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    Free Accounts Upgraded

    thanks dude
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    How Good Is My Social Network?

    first improve ur color scheme and homepage. ill then review it
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    giving credits for following me on twitter

    my twitter profile is : ill pay u 50 credits for following u.
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    paying credits for posting in forums

    ill pay you 25 credits per thread and 10 credits per reply form posting in my website's forums section the website is Edit: plus 10 credits for every 2 comments u make on articles