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  1. S

    Developing a site with a possibility of linking to ones site for free

    "If you want me to put a link to your site on the featured list, just let me know." this would be fine :) i think of creating an exam simulation for LPIC-1 (linux's MCSA) some time in the future, you can read more about lpi at there are...
  2. S

    Developing a site with a possibility of linking to ones site for free

    well, i didn't spend much time on your site but i have to say it looks fine.. now to the code: it's possible to get urlencoded things trough you may not want, you are allowing only the charset "a-z 0-9 ? & _ - % . : # /" but it's easy to circumvent this by encoding the url like this ...
  3. S

    Developing a site with a possibility of linking to ones site for free

    open source code should be quite secure and readable most of the times, but you're right, writing stuff yourself is never a bad idea breaking code ? thats sounds like fun, tell us when you are ready.. :biggrin: :fruit:
  4. S

    Developing a site with a possibility of linking to ones site for free

    just escape and validate every user input, but that should be done for every website... i suggest you take an opensource guestbook script and modify it a little, maybe
  5. S

    substitute wget with PHP code..

    aahh... that's fine, exactly what i wanted sorry for my lame question, i'm pretty new to php
  6. S

    substitute wget with PHP code..

    since exec() and system() are disabled i want to write some PHP code wich does almost the same as wget it wouldn't be that much of a problem for the basic functionality of wget, but this parameters would require some more work: --save-cookies --keep-session-cookies --referer do you know any...