Search results

  1. wazza6

    www CNAME record

    Hello, I just changed my primary domain name to and I can't access it with I tried to make the CNAME record in simple DNS zone, but i get " already has a CNAME record. You have multiple CNAME records." In advanced DNS zone, I can see the...
  2. wazza6

    please review my site

    No theme, the title is black on a plain grey background. Are you allowed to use the apple logo as your favicon?
  3. wazza6

    [Review]My Gaming Forum

    The site is really cool, but your GP image has problems, you set it to repeat and I see a white stripe under the login link and the left part of the GP image. My resolution is 1440x900. full size screenshot:
  4. wazza6

    Please evalute my website

    Euh, virtual airline for what game? Try adding shadows to your links
  5. wazza6

    How can I make this web site better?

    I *tried* to make a template on photoshop : any comments?
  6. wazza6

    Plese comment on my webdesign

    Wow it's nice , but frames are not search engine friendly so I think you should try making it flash (at first I tought it was but I looked at the source code :) ) And I agree with gsonline for the captcha ... and it's pretty easy to do.
  7. wazza6

    How can I make this web site better?

    too late :) but thanks anyway ... I didn't remember we could do that ;) Edit : I finally got something OK with word :roflwtf: (how could word possibly be useful??) anyway it looks kinda better , I had no idea how to make shadows in photoshop...
  8. wazza6

    How can I make this web site better?

    I can't put a screenshot , what I meant was that the text started on the border of the box and ended on the borders because these borders are in the image , I can't put a <br /> each ( i don't know , let's say 70 characters) and spaces before each line to be sure it is in the white part of the...
  9. wazza6

    How can I make this web site better?

    Do you mean having the glossy box as a background for the titles? I really don't think it is a good idea , plus i would need to make the title a table cell or another division itself , and that wouldn't look very good... "but little terrorist attacks against our poor eyes too :biggrin:"...
  10. wazza6

    How can I make this web site better?

    "Another thing I forgot. What about putting a simple 1px solid border on the navigation menu? I think it will be look better." It looked really ugly :) "About the boxes, I recommend you use as background color the same as in the "Copyright © Minibus Caribe Bleu enr. Touts droits réservés" div on...
  11. wazza6

    How can I make this web site better?

    1. Good Idea 2. He asked me for handscript , i'll try to negociate it 3. I didn't know PNG had transparency ... thanks
  12. wazza6

    How can I make this web site better?

    "but the content seems like it is just floating." What do you mean? Yes it is made with divisions that are "floating" (used a program I made in C++ to get the position (X,Y) on the browser ;) )I guess that was the point of it. EDIT: Uh... I think I got what you mean ... I'll try to make it in a...
  13. wazza6

    Looking for Logo

    I know I'm late , but photoshop is pretty expensive... Not everybody can afford it and you don't need all the options photoshop provides for a logo ... Try gimp or another open source software if you don't want to pay US $699 for photoshop
  14. wazza6

    Disable editing auto-responders for regular users

    Hi , I have a private transportation service website and I'm only the webmaster , I have set an auto-responder for an e-mail account , but I fear that the user* moifies it or deletes it since he's not good with computers:nuts: :biggrin:. Can I lock this for webmail ( but keep...
  15. wazza6

    How can I make this web site better?

    Hey , I made a website for one of my friends and I would like to know what you guys think about it ... I think the bottom bar is kinda ... too simple maybe? I just can't find what's wrong. What do you recommend? 50 credits to the first *useful* post. Things like change the background color...
  16. wazza6

    Which Operating System do you prefer?

    I'll have to say Ubuntu since it's really fast and perfect for programming with code::blocks and Qt available in seconds in the software center and it is possible to cross-compile without getting a headache!. My second choice would be XP since steam doesn't work with ubuntu* ;) and it has MP3...
  17. wazza6

    Re-activating my account

    I had no choice , it said my e-mail was already taken ... and when I log in my account panel I get "enter the code below provided in the email sent to you. the confirmation email was sent to" (Text field) And actually is my e-mail address.
  18. wazza6

    Re-activating my account

    Easy: Just click Part 4 in the menu :-) And Corey , I added to my whitelist and even disabled my spam filter ... still don't receive it, I'm using Windows Live Mail if it helps ( I know I shouldn't but all my friends have Live Messenger...)
  19. wazza6

    Re-activating my account

    step 3... I skipped it, but now I can't get the confirmation e-mail :-( ... I really need my website up soon...