Search results

  1. Cynical

    New forums are GREAT but, one pet peeve

    I think this sums it up: I know you guys likely can't control it, and I can't find anywhere in the User CP to disable these things being shown, but is there any possible way for people to be able to disable things like this being shown...
  2. Cynical

    cPanel (Fantastico Error)

    When you click on any item in cPanel's Fantastico, this error is displayed above the page content: It doesn't seem to affect the installation of any of the software but probably isn't supposed to be there.
  3. Cynical

    Google Mars

    If you've visited the Google homepage today you would have noticed the mars logo: If you click on that logo it'll bring you to "Google Mars" ( where you can explore the surface of the planet or browse Regions, Mountains, Plains, Spacecraft, Canyons, Ridges, Stories...
  4. Cynical

    Man in Vietnam hasn’t slept in 33 years. Wooowwww... :biggthump Thumbs-up for this guy.
  5. Cynical

    My sig

    I've had my sig for quite some time now but I've never asked anybody for feedback on it. I'm not totally up to modifying it but I'm just curious as to what people think of it. I made it using the GIMP version 2.0. I'm talking about my "Cynical" sig, I don't really need feedback on my TechStop...
  6. Cynical

    If you could visit any continent...

    If you could visit any of the seven continents, which would you pick to visit, and what country (and or city, if you can think of one) would you visit there (be specific). I'm not sure yet :lupie: .
  7. Cynical

    Anyone interested in BETA testing?

    I've recently finished a guestbook script that I have been working on for nearly a month and I need one or two people to install it, try it out for themselves and report back any bugs they find. You can download the software here...
  8. Cynical


    Fixed, mods you can close this.
  9. Cynical

    Population Growth

    Scenerio: Fifty years from now, in the year of 2056, our world will be confronted with a massive problem: there are simply too many humans on the planet for life to exist. How do you solve this problem? -- I don't have a possible solution of my own yet, but I'm thinking 2/3 of the planet...
  10. Cynical

    Am I allowed to do this?

    I am nearly completed with a high-quality guestbook script that I will be distributing for free download. Unfortunately, many people either 1) Don't have PHP-enabled web hosts or 2) Don't have the knowledge to efficiently set up a script such as this, so I thought it would be nice if I could...
  11. Cynical

    Earn advertising for your site

    Earn "text-link impressions" for free by simply posting at my new forum: TechStop Community All you have to do is register an account there, post some, and then see this topic: For every point you earn there, you get five...
  12. Cynical

    Forum: TechStop Community

    TechStop Community I've recently (two days ago) set up a new forum on my site, please check it out and tell me what you think: I didn't design the skin or anything, so don't judge that, but I DID design the logo (simple, but I made it nonetheless). If you have...
  13. Cynical

    Need someone to install this mod

    Hi, I'm looking for someone to CORRECTLY install a mod for IPB v.1.2. I am offering 30 points for this task (it doesn't look too hard, just last time I tried one of these I messed up my whole forum). If you are interested please PM me and I will give you the username and password to access the...
  14. Cynical

    XP SSC - Startup Sound Chager Utility

    This is a little program I made the other day purely out of boredom. It's just a simple utility I made to change the startup sound for Windows XP (possible through control panel, but this pages it easier). This program just replaces a sound file in the C:\WINDOWS\Media directory and doesn't...
  15. Cynical

    Quick domain question

    Just wondering if it's possible to configure subdomains in cPanel to be compatible with a domain. I just got my .com yesterday so I don't know the ins and outs quite yet. I already have my nameservers pointing to x10's (ns1 and, and to use's subdomains you need...
  16. Cynical

    Wierd problem

    Wierd problem <-fixed-> I have a small hit counter set up for my site, and each day's hits are stored in a folder. Today I got an error accessing my site that the counter file for today could not be modified. When this happens, I change the chmod and usually the problem is fixed. However, today...
  17. Cynical

    IPB Skins

    I'm setting up a small forum using Invision Power Board v.1.2 on my site (I've installed it from cPanel). Not too many people like the default skin and I have a few ones I could install but not as many as I thought I would be able to find. I've checked and some other websites but...
  18. Cynical

    cPanel up, site down?

    I cannot access my website ( but I CAN access cPanel. Would the cleanup cause this or is there some other problem causing this? Thanks anybody who can help me out :), --Cynical
  19. Cynical

    [OFFER]Advertise on CG

    Here are my offers: FOR 50 POINTS: I will put your 88x33 linked button in my affiliates rotator. This rotator selects 8 sites and displays their ad, randomly shuffled on each page load (see here, at the bottom of the page). Affiliate buttons are displayed on nearly every page. Your button...
  20. Cynical

    Happy 300th Birthday Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    If you've been to today you'd notice that it 300 years ago today Mozart was born. Do we have any fans of this style of music here? I'm not one for classical music but I did see Amadeus the movie ( which was very interesting and showed how much...