Search results

  1. H

    Make money on autopilot

    right he has a site with content right he makes money from impressions he sells info on how to do it and get max page veiws he earns money just click the lick in his sig
  2. H

    microsoft giving free domain name

    it's great until they want next years payment and DON'T HAVE PHP nnooooooooooooooooooo!
  3. H

    Need a template

    do you have a logo and more details on it and a price range would be nice so i can work out what standard to work to on this
  4. H

    lghtbox and xml

    if it's a light box you want try this one it's not animated but i gets the job done bettween <head> and </head> goes in the page head And same for <body> tag's hope you can make use of this chande the style to suit it to you <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html>...
  5. H

    View on Refurbished Laptops

    all it is is an old laptop that's been gutted for usless parts repaired given a slight make over and put on the market at a lower price these are ussally tougher than new ones as they have been tried and tested if your in uk as you claim try nice and cheap or expensive
  6. H

    Is IE, even 8, just effin broken?

    if you are veiwing a php page localy you will need to go though a web design program like microsoft expression web it let's ie veiw these pages if it's on you server have you tried compatability mode?
  7. H

    Question game

    who did you say what?
  8. H

    "MUST HAVES" for forum software

    Ad insentives very nice earns you money earns us credits and what do credits make PRIZZZESSS!!!!! good luck with ye project
  9. H

    Running ASP pages

    um just a thing ASP.NET only works on windows servers as far a i knew unless windows bought out for unix and lunix just tell me if im wrong
  10. H

    {Req} Banner Needed 1000 points on offer!

    ye old site is down
  11. H

    Site overhauled

    clean smooth (very modified template- just it's feel) i think it needs a login section for members of your clan(just ask if you want one i went hunting for these along time ago and have a have a few) nice logo could do with a bit of red some where before we think were in black and white times
  12. H

    sleek and simple?

    bit slow to load for some reason top half ok but bottom have needs more color put a border in or ssomething the big peice of white makes me yawn but keep the top half
  13. H

    Hey Check out my site?:)

    very nice easy on eyes and also stylish loads well in ie8 about 3secs if you want to advertise on my site i would love you to as it is the sort of site design that looks good to link to just go to my site and go to contact and email im willing for PayPerClick or...
  14. H

    Does anyone know how to earn online?

    x10's affilate program aint to bad only been signed up 7 or 8 days and got 1 sign up Edit: ive seen some with $2.00 ad sense is good if your 18+
  15. H


    ive got an idea but my software ran out so iwill have to wait to design it but take the hd logo and strech the H to look like a T on it's side
  16. H

    MY site

    it's simple but not much there infact it doesn't say what it's really about and if you just coppied the template not used it don't i made that mistake once but fixed it now
  17. H

    Affiliate Beta Test

    just signed up
  18. H

    hosting a domain u got

    it's not a sub domain it is a full domain
  19. H

    reveiw my site AND WIN!

    thaks brilliant reveiw trying to learn flash
  20. H

    Web Designer

    i would but im not to good to php/asp/java script and i only take money for web design jobs