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  1. techairlines


    Hello. Your account doesn't appear to be suspended at the moment and your site is working fine for me.
  2. techairlines

    Account Suspended

    Hello. Your account doesn't appear to be suspended at the moment. It was previously suspended for high resource usage, which is a temporary suspension when your account uses too many system resources. Your website is quite complex since it appears to be some type of social network. Such sites...
  3. techairlines

    Unsuspend hosting account

    Hello. Your account is no longer suspended at the moment.
  4. techairlines

    can\'t get on my website

    It looks like you just created your account, so that page showed while the server processed your domain updates. This was temporary and seems to be gone now. I can view your domain name just fine. Please clear your DNS and browser cache and try again.
  5. techairlines

    Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account

    Hello. I have marked your account for deletion. It will be terminated in around 2 weeks. If you change your mind before then, please post a new thread and we will try to restore your account. Thanks for using x10hosting!
  6. techairlines

    Happy birthday, Corey!

    Happy Birthday Corey! :)
  7. techairlines

    Could you close this account plz ?

    Hello. I have marked your account for deletion.
  8. techairlines

    Im sorry for asking

    Your domain seems to be working fine. Please clear your browser and DNS cache and try again. Did you change your domain name recently? That page would usually show after you make a domain change while the server processes this. It is usually temporary and goes away after a few hours.
  9. techairlines

    i cant log in to cpanel

    Hello. It seems to be working fine for me. Try instead. If that also doesn't work, try using a different browser. If that continues to not work, theres a chance a firewall or ISP may be blocking connections. To check this, you can try using a proxy like...
  10. techairlines

    what is my name server

    The nameservers are:
  11. techairlines

    i wann a explanation becouse my acc suspend? and i not violtad anything

    You're suspended for high resource usage, which means something in your account was using too many process or RAM/CPU. Don't worry, this is a temporary suspension. I have unsuspended your account. Please try to check what might be using too many resources.
  12. techairlines

    cpanel access

    What link did you click on? Try using this:
  13. techairlines

    Help Required about wordpress installation

    Yes, you are allowed to use WordPress and blog about technologies. Many users here do that. Just make sure what you blog about is legal (no instructions for warez, and other illegal things) Yes, you are allowed to have ads on your site.
  14. techairlines

    my site is being blocked by DNS

    Your site seems to work for me. Please clear your cache and try again. If it doesn't work, try using a proxy like or If your site works here, then its very likely that a firewall or ISP is blocking your access. In this case, you will need to check...
  15. techairlines

    Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account.

    Hello. I have marked your account for deletion. It will be deleted in around 2 weeks or so. If you decide you change your mind before then, please post a new thread and we will restore your account. Thanks for using x10hosting!
  16. techairlines

    Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account.

    Your account is currently suspended for having a proxy, which is a permanent suspension. Your account will automatically be deleted when our script to purge suspended accounts runs. We do not expedite deletions of permanently suspended accounts.
  17. techairlines


    Sorry, but you seem to have been suspended for uploading a phishing website, meaning it was designed to look like another website and steal personal information or credentials. This is a permanent suspension. This is an automatic suspension, so if you didn't upload a website that tries to...
  18. techairlines


    Hello. Sorry, but at this time, we do not allow accounts to be transferred to another free server. All servers are configured the same way. The only way to move servers is to upgrade to Illuminated Hosting or Premium Hosting.
  19. techairlines

    my install path

    Open up the wp-config.php file of WordPress. Add this line to it: Change the URL accordingly, so if you want your installation in add /wordpress to it. define('WP_SITEURL', ''); This will make it so the WordPress installation directory would be...
  20. techairlines

    Cannot access my website

    Your domain name doesn't redirect for me, although it does show a 404 Error. That defaultwebpage.cgi shows when your account is first created or you changed your domain name. It goes away automatically when the server finishes setting up your domain. It does tend to get stuck in browser cache...