Search results

  1. PhantomChick

    Good Free Program?

    Do you mean like a paint program? 3D program? Clipart collection?... I use a Windows XP machine. I like ( as a free Photoshop-type software, Art of Illusion for 3D (, and Stock Exchange ( for free...
  2. PhantomChick

    your gender...

    Boyz Rule! And yes, I am male... despite my user name. (I'm not a phantom, either...)
  3. PhantomChick

    Why dont we donate?

    I like to donate money through (and my local church). They have a database of charities and information. My favorite part is I can set up recurring donations to several charities, but it all shows up as one charge on my credit card. Simple! I also really enjoy spending...
  4. PhantomChick

    Puzzle to solve, any pros?

    What about this? Is the solution that they don't need to be directly connected, as long as they are connected by the lines? This connects line B to B, and A to A... Oh, and I threw in the "hi" because you said "Lines can be curved, twisted, w/e, go crazy" and, well, I am. XD
  5. PhantomChick

    Favorite Old School Games

    I loved playing Wolfenstein on my DOS computer. But for my favorite old-school game I would have to say Joust from Atari... it's the game that made me fall in love with co-op mode! Currently I'm spending my weekends playing an old-school game (for the first time). Marathon, which is...
  6. PhantomChick

    Puzzle to solve, any pros?

    Oh, I missed that... Well, I'm officially confused!
  7. PhantomChick

    Puzzle to solve, any pros?

    I was thinking along the same lines as Smith6612... This is assuming that I can cross over other boxes, and that the lines can be curved.
  8. PhantomChick

    Runescape or w.o.w or second life or eve online

    I really like Pardus ( and have been playing for two months. It's a browser-based MMORPG (no downloads, nothing to install) and it's free to play. I like how they have an action point system... with other MMORPGs, I don't feel like I have enough time to spend grinding my way...
  9. PhantomChick

    100000 green bottles sitting on the wall

    99906 green bottles sitting on a wall 99906 green bottles sitting on a wall And if 1 green bottle was to accidentally fall There'd be 99905 green bottles sitting on the wall
  10. PhantomChick

    Word Assoation Game

    meat > cattle
  11. PhantomChick

    Word Assoation Game

    tick >> tock
  12. PhantomChick

    Word Assoation Game

    Mouse >> Click
  13. PhantomChick

    AlphaBounce or.. Dinoparc?

    I play AlphaBounce every day... don't want those liquid capsules going to waste! :) I haven't tried Dinoparc yet. What's it like? It has kind of a Pokemon look to it. A game I joined a few weeks ago and really like is Pardus ( It's a free browser-based...
  14. PhantomChick

    Browser Based Game Source

    Update: D'oh! I missed that he's looking for the source... sorry, move along! Nothing to see here!
  15. PhantomChick

    Test your site on any browser or resolution

    Awesome site... I like how many options you can select. Finally I can find out what YouTube looks like on Netscape Navigator when flash is disabled! Mua ha ha ha ha! Uh... but seriously, this has been added to the top of my favorites list.