they're not aiming to shut down the internet, they're trying to make more money out of the internet. And yes, if all the ISPs and the government would gang on us, the can probably do it, since it's their own cables, sattelites and transmitters.
I chose "Speed the servers up, switch to monthly full backups and daily mysql."
Although I think 1 month is a bit too long for a backup, I'm suggesting every two weeks. Since some websites allows users to upload files (eg. forums that let users upload profile pictures). 1 month is a bit long...
yeah. remove all MX entries, then add the MX records. don't forget to add the dot(.) after each mx server address.example:
although most DNS interfaces ignore the dot, it's worth the try. AND please wait up to 48 hours before the...
It's probably because you have 2 accounts in the forum that are both linked to your hosting account. It's likely the cause. You're logging in with your current account, but the other account is inactive, which will cause your hosting account to get suspended. Please verify it, or file a ticket.
ADAM and EVE!! if it weren't for them, we could still be in EDEN!! lol
but seriously, it could be Corey! without him, all of us wouldn't be here. (more lol)
i'll abstain on taking sides on this matter. although it is quite possible that it was an inside job, in order for the military to get more budget, they have to be in a war.
well, if it is really old and their copyright expires, other than that, it would not be legal to share copies of it illegally.
generally, companies earn revenue from old games. they usually port it into the newer consoles.
one example would be chrono trigger from SNES, which was ported to PS1...
for everyday browsing, i just use google chrome. simple and fast. but when i'm going to download stuff, i prefer firefox with DownThemAll! plugin..i seldom use opera since most of its features can be found on firefox.
and oh yeah, i also use IE when debugging web pages.. (stupid IE) lol
if you already have your domain, you can park it or add it as an add-on domain. or were you thinking of registering for another domain?
I partially agree. Although i personally believe that the mayan calendar is fairly accurate, there's no need to overreact like most people do. Nobody stated that it will be the end of the world, but only hinted that it will be a beginning, probably a new era. It's funny how capitalists want...