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  1. bigtree

    Game : Rank The Person Above>>>

    Deathball -> Dust
  2. bigtree

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get stuck. I insert a stapler
  3. bigtree

    [game} Rename the person above you

    deathball ---> lifesquare
  4. bigtree

    Forum Game <Wish>

    Granted. He then gets assassinated. I wish I could control time.
  5. bigtree

    360 vs. ps3

    Re: PS3 vs Xbox 360 It doesn't look like you read what I said. A no-lemon policy is when they replace it after repetitive fixing, instead of just always replacing or fixing it. No. Different configurations for different TVs and such. But most gaming sites are! So? That's not helping us...
  6. bigtree

    360 vs. ps3

    Re: PS3 vs Xbox 360 I've said it twice, now. No "no-lemon" policy and no replacement guarantee! They aren't. PS3 is on it's worst setting. I'm sorry, but that's just biased junk. No offense. PS: I really like your signature!
  7. bigtree

    360 vs. ps3

    Re: PS3 vs Xbox 360 THat's what I'm saying... Microsoft's warranty sucks! They have no "no-lemon" policy. If Microsoft's warranty was worth using, they would have this policy. No. the point was that the PS3's settings aren't tweaked to optimal settings while the Xbox 360's settings are.
  8. bigtree

    [OFF] Easy credits!

    Done, with bigtree username. I have 8 posts.
  9. bigtree

    Please check out and rate my site!

    Great idea! I think I'll use it! Thanks for the help. I think I will add stuff to the front page like you said. Thanks, everyone.
  10. bigtree

    Please check out and rate my site!

    Wierd, its fine on my PC... Ha! True! I'll fix that soon... No, we're no Venture Capitalist group. THe idea is to donate if you want to to support me :) The idea of my website is that everything is free. I don't get it.... THat will be fixed in time. THanks for the help, I'll start...
  11. bigtree

    Please check out and rate my site!

    Once again, I have remade my website. THis time, I also added a .com domain, and completely redid the designof the template. I tried to follow what users said before when reviewing my site. Thanks to anyone who did. So anyways, can you please review and rate my site? The URL is...
  12. bigtree

    The Ctrl+V game I was working on my site again :P
  13. bigtree

    100000 green bottles sitting on the wall

    99986 green bottles sitting on a wall. 99986 green bottles sitting on a wall. and if 1 green bottle was to accidently fall there will be 99985 green bottles sitting on a wa
  14. bigtree

    Game: Translate your name in words

    Big Idiots Grow Tired Reading Eragon and Eldest
  15. bigtree

    Game : Rank The Person Above>>>

    Smith6612 >> Private Go clean the toilets.
  16. bigtree

    Type your username with your nose!

    bigtt4ree Oh! Almost!
  17. bigtree

    Word Assoation Game

    Headdesk >> Footdesk
  18. bigtree

    [game} Rename the person above you

    Smith6612 -> Smith6613
  19. bigtree

    Type with your ______!

    bigtbvtr5ree4 worlode Big Tree World with my nose.
  20. bigtree

    Count to 1 Million

    496 numbers.