Search results

  1. morbid_leathal92

    Some Free beautiful Joomla 1.6x templates themes needed

    Does any body knows where can I download some beautiful Joomla 1.6x templates for Free that looks like Premium?
  2. morbid_leathal92

    Google Adsense

    Google hates PTC sites. so your site's contain links and contents thats illegal in Google's eye.
  3. morbid_leathal92

    Apple to release new Macbook Air with Intel sandy bridge

    Apple just have announced that they are almost ready to release new Macbooks in Air series now with the latest Processors, intel's second generation I core, Sandy bridge Processors probably in this June or July. Where othyer, Mac book pro and other were with quad core the new Macbook air would...
  4. morbid_leathal92

    New Web Design software from Xara

    Adobe Dreamweaver is pioneer and will forever
  5. morbid_leathal92

    Any Tips on how to make Wordpress run faster for Free Hosting?

    1.Use less Javascript as much as possible[use only that are essential].. Javascript slows down keep in mind Ajax, JQuery Mootools all contains Javascripts 2. Use small images as much as possible. Too many big images in slows down your website
  6. morbid_leathal92

    What are things I should keep in mind and study to create a php hotel booking Script?

    Hello I have limitted knowledge of PHp MySQL programming. I want to learn more by creating my own php web applaication. So I would like to know what are the things I should consider and things I shouldn't forget while scripting a multiple hotel booking script in PHP?
  7. morbid_leathal92

    Free Website Templates by Wppack

    great.. templates. i like most of them
  8. morbid_leathal92

    PHP License Script

    there is also Zend Guard to encrypt Php scripts
  9. morbid_leathal92

    CSS Float problem

    thanks but such problems often occurs due to different browsers standard.
  10. morbid_leathal92

    Links Dont Work in IE but will in other Browers. Please Help

    its not working on Opera as well so i am not understanding what you exactly are you asking about. Its just seem to be an image with no links. Check once again.
  11. morbid_leathal92

    Is it possible to add backup function for free hostings? with limitation like 1 time

    Re: Is it possible to add backup function for free hostings? with limitation like 1 t Here is screen-shot of my file manager in stoli. I can't see mark box to select files or folders.
  12. morbid_leathal92

    Is it possible to add backup function for free hostings? with limitation like 1 time

    Is it possible to add backup function (with limitation like 1 time usable only once in a week )for free hostings?
  13. morbid_leathal92

    Free Website Templates by Wppack

    great but the preview image links need to be updated as they are dead in imageshack.
  14. morbid_leathal92

    Free and Cool Ezwpthemes Wordpress Themes & Blogger Templates for Bloggers

    Thank you . Great wordpress themes. thanks for cool things to download . keep this thread alive updating regularly with new designs.
  15. morbid_leathal92

    Who Here Grabbed Windows 7?

    i tried Windows 7 few months ago its cool and refreshing. Happy after buggy Vista improved and Windows 7 came out. But i am now using Windows XP again as my machine is old.
  16. morbid_leathal92

    5 SEO Tips For Massive Traffic

    thanks ..any more tips?
  17. morbid_leathal92

    Is there any books on creating hotel booking engine like

    Is there any books on creating hotel booking engine like using PHP ,MYSQL and XML if needed. Is there any open source script which can be studied or used to create similar site ike
  18. morbid_leathal92

    joomla tutoral site

    nice work dude
  19. morbid_leathal92

    More PHP tutorials

    thanks a lot.