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  1. AJradio

    Forum Game <Wish>

    Granted, but then the teacher dies, and a sub makes you take the test I wish ALL of X10's servers (except crossacks) would start working and NOT BREAK FOR 24 HOURS!
  2. AJradio

    Forum Fight

    Umm... Too Late.. 3.1 installation got an error and I kept my UNLICENSED vista thanks to alexandgruntz *Snipes Him*
  3. AJradio

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    Because alexandgruntz claimed the hill, I fly over alexandgruntz in a banshee, gets out on top of him, *drops a frag granade as I fall* Claims the hill of hell!
  4. AJradio

    Guess Who Posts Next

    Nope. I guess alexandgruntz
  5. AJradio

    Forum Game <Wish>

    Granted, but then what you backed it up to gets run over by the cars going to my radio I wish stoli's Apache would start working again...
  6. AJradio

    Forum Fight

    *Pulls out Windows XP* *Beats Zapperpost in the head with it.* Hey, is this his licenses? HE HAD A WINDOWS VISTA LICENESE?? *Steals It* *Leaves a plasma granade on him and walks away*
  7. AJradio

    Word Assoation Game

    Baloon > Water Baloon
  8. AJradio

    Guess Who Posts Next

    50% right... I guess Smith
  9. AJradio

    Count to 1 Million

    555 people in my old school WOOT ALL 5's!!!
  10. AJradio

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban zapperpost for living in my old town!! ROARZ!!!!
  11. AJradio

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    *Takes a Steam roller and runs over zapperpost* Hey.... Is this his wallett?
  12. AJradio

    Stoli Transfer

    YAY!!! STOLI IS MOVING!! Wil this also mean you will clean the disk so Apache will run again?
  13. AJradio

    Count to 1 Million

    551 less posts to 1 million
  14. AJradio

    Type with your ______!

    jnhghfrtuytreuytrewryuuytrfedhiguystgreryuh Find my message Typed with my chin
  15. AJradio

    [game} Rename the person above you

    jimtilmark > Rule Breaker v3
  16. AJradio

    Word Assoation Game

    whoopi goldberg > Whoopee Cushon!!!
  17. AJradio

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    i ban jimtilmark for not knowing sleep.exe isn't a program -_-
  18. AJradio

    Forum Fight

    I dodge it, pull out a rocket launcher, and beat you in the head with it :thefinger:thefinger
  19. AJradio

    Forum Fight

    Its really easy. Here's how it works. We do a free-for-all war. Like this: Get it? Now since I can't kill anybody... *runs*
  20. AJradio

    Everybodies Occupations

    Occupation: m.s. student income: Zip a dee doo dah