I have marked your hosting account for deletion.
Please note that if you change your mind before the 14 days period is up, just post a new thread and we will try to restore your hosting account.
Please also note that your forum account won't be deleted.
Thank you for using x10hosting!
I have marked your hosting account for deletion.
Please note that if you change your mind before the 14 days period is up, just post a new thread and we will try to restore your hosting account.
Please also note that your forum account won't be deleted.
Thank you for using x10hosting!
It should have been like this:
But anyway, I'm taking the liberty of doing this for you.
I have marked your hosting account for deletion. It will be deleted in 2 weeks or so. If you change your mind before then, please post a new thread and we will try to restore your account.
Use the email id that you used for registration.
Are you able to see any database in cpanel >> phpmyadmin ?
The error is on line 60 of public_html/class/class_db_mysql.php
Check these variables in your script:
servername = localhost
username = cpanelusername_databaseusername //DB_User
databasename = cpanelusername_database //DB_Name
password = cpanelusername_databaseusername_password
Make sure that you have linked DB_User and DB_Name together and...
x10 Terms of Service clearly states that "Proxies: We do not allow any kind of proxies to be used on our servers, for any reason." and your account had one.So, it is a permanent suspension and no access to your data will be provided.
I've unsuspended your account.
Please note that you are required to visit the forums http://x10hosting.com/forums/ at least once every 31 days to keep your account active.No posting is ever required.
I have marked your hosting account for deletion.
If you change your mind before the 14 days period is up, just post a new thread and we will try to restore your hosting account.
Thank you for using x10hosting!
I have marked your hosting account for deletion.
If you change your mind before the 14 days period is up, just post a new thread and we will try to restore your hosting account.
Your forum account won't be deleted.
Thank you for using x10hosting!
Please fill this in:
cPanel username:
( ) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free hosting...