Search results

  1. ah-blabla

    can I install rouncube to my site?

    ? Yes it is allowed, and yes it does work... (I use it myself...) And if you search the forums you will find at least one other person uses it. Roundcube is a simple IMAP/SMTP client written in php with ajax, using MySQL for storage, and is just like any other php software. There is...
  2. ah-blabla

    Multi upload help

    Yes and no: you don't actually need to know any java to use it on your webpage, since you only need to include the jar file. You can set up the server side section with php to receive uploaded files if you don't have jsp. That uses flash though which is more horrible than having a java applet.
  3. ah-blabla

    Fedora vs Ubuntu, what?

    Proof? -- until you do that it is still opinion. Fedora is sponsored by RedHat (true), but also partly used as a test-bed for RedHat. Ubuntu people also have a lot of experience, and Ubuntu is based off Debian which is a really stable distro. Then again if Linus uses Fedora, I'm sure it's pretty...
  4. ah-blabla

    Is starka down?

    I'm on starka and it's up, however I have been experiencing some slowness when using MySQL applications, which I think is related to the general sql problems.
  5. ah-blabla

    Ubuntu 9.10 released!

    Ah, the random update breakages... This seems to be getting typical for Ubuntu. Have you tried doing a manual flash install though? (BTW, the problem is more likely to be Adobe's fault since Flash on Linux is pretty badly implemented, and I don't think the 64 bit flash is even official.) You...
  6. ah-blabla

    Not able to establish FTP connection !!!

    That's probably a firewall problem. If you upload too many files at once the server blocks you (this sometimes happens to me when deleting, I then am completely blocked for 10-15 minutes). Check whether you can reduce the number of connections that your FTP software makes to reduce the chance of...
  7. ah-blabla

    HELP ADD ON Domain Problem

    The nameserver's are set up correctly (see, so that part of DNS is correct. It seems the problem is at the hostgator end, seemingly the webserver with the content isn't...
  8. ah-blabla

    Fedora vs Ubuntu, what?

    What are your needs? It is hard to tell what is the best GNU/Linux distro unless you know what your aims are. There is no "best" GNU/Linux distro as such. (Well the best is actually a system built from scratch, since you have everything exactly as you want it, but that's can be hard to do.) I...
  9. ah-blabla

    mail() function not working - unable to create views in mysql DB

    Quite a few people are having mail problems, so I'm not sure what's up. Regarding the Database problem: make sure you: 1) Create a database in cPanel (as you have probably done) 2) Create a user for the db in cPanel 3) Give that user permissions for the db in cPanel.
  10. ah-blabla

    Multi upload help

    People tend to use a java applet based uploader for this, i.e. look at JUpload.
  11. ah-blabla

    Why Opera is not So popular being the coolest browser?

    Not at all. Chromium at least (I.e. what Chrome is based on) is based on Webkit, and works on other OSs. The IE options under Window$ is more to do with Window$ integration than anything else. It is a completely new browser as such, with a better security architecture than most. I actually am...
  12. ah-blabla

    RFID chip, is it real?

    Which is why we get things like McDonalds being sued for not warning that coffee is hot... Implanting these wouldn't be too hard actually. With future technology you could put tracking equipment in vaccines, and no one notices when it's injected... It's not possible with today's technology to...
  13. ah-blabla

    Jar application, what is the classpath?

    That jar file still is incorrect: Chat.class is in the top folder, and should be in the folder chat. I made a test page to which I uploaded the applet: <html><body> <applet code="chat.Chat" archive="" width="600px" height="450px" />...
  14. ah-blabla

    SQL server to connect to

    My solution probably wouldn't be too good for that. But if you want really good performance I wouldn't use free hosting anyway, since it does occasionally suffer performace issues and outages. Paid hosting here I think offers remote MySQL, and is very reliable.
  15. ah-blabla

    SQL server to connect to

    You could always write a php / shell / python / perl interface to mySql (i.e. web based), and then use another program at the other end to bring it back to a mySQL interface if you were determined enough.
  16. ah-blabla

    Don't You Love It When.....

    I'm not sure what you mean here... You get a lot of "free" software that restricts your freedom (no cost, but not Free as in speech), whereas truly Free software isn't necessarily free of a price. And nothing ever comes truly free... Take web hosting -- the price we pay could for example be the...
  17. ah-blabla

    Jar application, what is the classpath?

    That probably means you are using a jre older than the jdk the file was compiled with. E.g. if you are using java 4 (1.4) and you try running something compiled with java 6 (1.6) then you will get a version error, since the older jre doesn't understand the newer code (unless you set the compiler...
  18. ah-blabla

    I'm getting a database error and I haven't changed anything

    It is likely to be / to have been a temporary outage. Well, from the status page kalanac linked to it seems MySQL is down... Just wait a while to see whether it sorts itself out. Edit:// My site using MySQL works fine, so that status page is talking rubbish about MySQL status.
  19. ah-blabla

    Jar application, what is the classpath?

    One thing I noticed: code="Chat.class" This is wrong: it should be "chat.Chat" - The 2 errors are: a) No need to mention .class in the name b) The package has to be mentioned. Also the jar file has the wrong structure, Chat.class should be in a folder called chat, since it is part of the...
  20. ah-blabla

    ABC'S of SMTP POP3 emal setup

    You should use ssl all the time anyway, so it's not too much of a concern that plaintext access doesn't work -- I did test it once though and didn't have problems, so I'm not sure what's up. Also, it is usually better to use IMAP if you can (X10 provides IMAP) since then read mails are marked...