Search results

  1. CoolFinalFan

    Only In England

    now someone should come up with edible paper, and u can have both, chocolate on paper.
  2. CoolFinalFan

    Requesting Staff and Designers

    I'll help!
  3. CoolFinalFan

    What program you use to organize your musics?

    I use iTunes since I have an iPod, plus I think it works better than Windows Media Player
  4. CoolFinalFan

    some facts about earth

    thanks for the info people earth science is fun to learn!!
  5. CoolFinalFan

    Something to Consider

    I totally agree, still say x10Hosting is probably the #1 Free Hosting out there!!
  6. CoolFinalFan

    PTC Monitor! Don't Waste your time in sites SCAM

    the monitor site is down!
  7. CoolFinalFan

    is x10hosting a free hosting for ever??

    I've been with x10 for several yrs & probably will be with them several more yrs. Just log into the forum, post and so on...! Great place and great reviews are out there about x10! Corey has really built it up!! Literally he's busted his butt to give anyone & everyone good hosting free and or...
  8. CoolFinalFan

    Free Hosting Update

    appreciate the update Corey, thanks!
  9. CoolFinalFan

    Daniel Tosh AKA Tosh.0

    I've tried watching him, and sorry but to me he's not that funny, just my opinion!
  10. CoolFinalFan

    AT&T to buy T-Mobile for $39B

    AT&T to buy T-Mobile for $39B > Article on MSNBC What's everyone's thoughts on this monopoly?? I'm staying with Virgin Mobile for sure!
  11. CoolFinalFan

    new here

    Welcome to x10Hosting!
  12. CoolFinalFan

    Upcoming Free Hosting Change

    so basically the free hosting is in the cloud?? Thanks!
  13. CoolFinalFan

    Do you think is a scam?

    I believe it's not a scam. Also, one should realize this is still a beta mode, Maybe, you (zbloomq) should do reading about it then to draw a quick conclusion.
  14. CoolFinalFan

    Need Wordpress 3.1 Tutorial

    I need a tutorial for Wordpress 3.1. Not an installation tutorial. A free one would be great. Thanks!
  15. CoolFinalFan

    Complete a short survey on Solar Power Car

    what a waste of thread space and so on!
  16. CoolFinalFan

    Complete a short survey on Solar Power Car

    why what do we get out of doing the survey?
  17. CoolFinalFan

    HowTo Change or Edit The Rules section of IP.Board Forum

    YEP sure did, it worked! Thanks!
  18. CoolFinalFan

    HowTo Change or Edit The Rules section of IP.Board Forum

    wondering how do I edit the Rules Section for Community Forum Software by IP.Board Thanks!
  19. CoolFinalFan

    In Communist Russia, you welcome community!

    I get it... anyway welcome!
  20. CoolFinalFan

    Virus :(

    definitely get Malwarebytes!