Search results

  1. wolf693

    What scares you the most?

    I voted for Clowns/dolls/childrens toys/nursery/'innocent' objects/beings... It's the clowns that scare me... I know, it's stupid... But seriously, people who are too happy scare me.
  2. wolf693

    What are you listening to?

    Newsboys is a good band! I'm going to the concert they're having up here! :biggrin:
  3. wolf693

    What are you listening to?

    P.O.D. I have shuffle on so I can't exactly name which song.
  4. wolf693

    samba server issue

    If it helps, here's my Samba configuration; [global] ; General server settings netbios name = evxserv server string = Evans Server workgroup = MSHOME load printers = no printing = cups passdb backend = tdbsam security = user wins support = yes [shared] path = /share/...
  5. wolf693

    Macbook, Air, or Pro

    I'd go with the Macbook Pro. The fact that the Air only has one USB port, no Ethernet port, no removable battery, and that you can snap it in half with your bare hands (well, at least the screen anyway) really deters me from buying one. Not that I would anyway because I'm a bit of a Mac hater...
  6. wolf693

    Wordpress PHP Error

    Okay, thank you! It's working now!
  7. wolf693

    Best Firewall?

    Hacking you for a lost password request? Kind of a strange excuse for hacking somebody... Anyways. Like dWhite, I use AlphaShield. Instead of being software based, it's hardware. I also use my router's built-in firewall but it's not what I depend on. I use ZoneAlarm on my laptop and I use...
  8. wolf693

    Your Web Designing Applications

    I use Photoshop CS3, SmartFTP, and Notepad++. Other than those I use Wordpress for creating my site!
  9. wolf693

    Who uses what program

    I use Photoshop CS3 and GIMP. Both work to my needs!
  10. wolf693

    Wordpress PHP Error

    I have had Wordpress installed on my account for the past few weeks. Upon installing I recieved an error and I upgraded my PHP version to v2. I was able to successfully install it and continue working. Now, whenever I try to login, immediately after I click "Login", I get the following error...
  11. wolf693

    Turn the PC off or leave it on?

    Good question. My desktop computer is actively used for about 6-7 hours a day, and when it's not, it's in hibernate. I usually never have to clean the dust out of it because of some home-made filters installed in it and the computer isn't down on the ground, it's on my desk. When I'm gone on a...
  12. wolf693

    Poll for "Success of a Website"

    Accomplishment and Popularity. If you have nobody visiting your site, you aren't accomplishing what you are trying to do. Income isn't important. Many people run non-profit sites that are successfull and well-managed. But success is important to running a website!
  13. wolf693

    Intel or AMD CPU?

    It really doesn't matter to me which one I use. All of my computers have Intel CPU's but I have heard some great reviews of some AMD CPU's and when I buy another computer, it won't really matter to me as long as I have enough processing power!
  14. wolf693

    Cheapest place to buy RAM?

    Wouldn't that be considered installing it? :biggrin: Sorry, I just noticed it. I usually buy from or I just go down to one of the local computer stores and buy from there. I don't upgrade my RAM that much but when I do, it's one of those two options.
  15. wolf693

    What do you have installed & any bridges?

    When I get enough visitors to my site (it's still under construction) I might add a Wordpress - PHPBB bridge.
  16. wolf693

    What are you listening to?

    Nothing for me as well!
  17. wolf693

    IE vs Fire Fox?

    I use Firefox way more than IE, simply because of compliance issues with IE. Plus I like the functionality and add-ons, some of them are quite useful! I only use IE when I use Microsoft Update, but other than that, it's never touched.
  18. wolf693

    Linux : Do you like it or hate it?????

    Linux is great! It's powerful and you can do a lot with it! For newer users, it's a bit tough to learn but if you get familiar with the commands, you can accomplish things in no time! And like zapperpost, Ubuntu's my favorite!
  19. wolf693

    samba server issue

    First off, change the create mode in [global] to 0777. Not sure if that will help or not but it's just an error I noticed! You forgot the path to [music]! You might also have to chmod the folder [music] points to as well. Hope this helps! ;)
  20. wolf693

    Which OS?

    My specialty is Windows XP, however Linux is more powerful and I use it quite often for work on my server that I run at my house. I voted Linux!